Bogdan Smolka
Bogdan Smolka
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Vector filtering for color imaging
R Lukac, B Smolka, K Martin, KN Plataniotis, AN Venetsanopoulos
IEEE signal processing magazine 22 (1), 74-86, 2005
Fast detection and impulsive noise removal in color images
B Smolka, A Chydzinski
Real-Time Imaging 11 (5-6), 389-402, 2005
Selection weighted vector directional filters
R Lukac, B Smolka, KN Plataniotis, AN Venetsanopoulos
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 94 (1-3), 140-167, 2004
Self-adaptive algorithm of impulsive noise reduction in color images
B Smolka, KN Plataniotis, A Chydzinski, M Szczepanski, ...
Pattern Recognition 35 (8), 1771-1784, 2002
Vector sigma filters for noise detection and removal in color images
R Lukac, B Smolka, KN Plataniotis, AN Venetsanopoulos
Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation 17 (1), 1-26, 2006
Advances in face detection and facial image analysis
M Kawulok, ME Celebi, B Smolka
Springer, 2016
Fast adaptive similarity based impulsive noise reduction filter
B Smolka, R Lukac, A Chydzinski, KN Plataniotis, W Wojciechowski
Real-Time Imaging 9 (4), 261-276, 2003
cDNA microarray image processing using fuzzy vector filtering framework
R Lukac, KN Plataniotis, B Smolka, AN Venetsanopoulos
Fuzzy Sets and Systems 152 (1), 17-35, 2005
A statistically-switched adaptive vector median filter
R Lukac, KN Plataniotis, AN Venetsanopoulos, B Smolka
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems 42, 361-391, 2005
A multichannel order-statistic technique for cDNA microarray image processing
R Lukac, KN Plataniotis, B Smolka, AN Venetsanopoulos
IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience 3 (4), 272-285, 2004
Towards automatic redeye effect removal
B Smolka, K Czubin, JY Hardeberg, KN Plataniotis, M Szczepanski, ...
Pattern Recognition Letters 24 (11), 1767-1785, 2003
Self-adaptive algorithm for segmenting skin regions
M Kawulok, J Kawulok, J Nalepa, B Smolka
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2014, 1-22, 2014
Adaptive rank weighted switching filter for impulsive noise removal in color images
B Smolka, K Malik, D Malik
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 10, 289-311, 2015
Sharpening vector median filters
R Lukac, B Smolka, KN Plataniotis
Signal Processing 87 (9), 2085-2099, 2007
Generalized selection weighted vector filters
R Lukac, KN Plataniotis, B Smolka, AN Venetsanopoulos
EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 2004, 1-16, 2004
Random walk approach to image enhancement
B Smolka, KW Wojciechowski
Signal Processing 81 (3), 465-482, 2001
Peer group switching filter for impulse noise reduction incolor images
B Smolka
Pattern Recognition Letters 31 (6), 484-495, 2010
Fast averaging peer group filter for the impulsive noise removal in color images
L Malinski, B Smolka
Journal of Real-Time Image Processing 11 (3), 427-444, 2016
Application of the adaptive center-weighted vector median framework for the enhancement of cDNA microarray images
R Lukac, B Smołka
Zielona Góra: Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, 2003
Fast modified vector median filter
B Smolka, M Szczepanski, KN Plataniotis, AN Venetsanopoulos
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns: 9th International Conference, CAIP …, 2001
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