Jean-Luc Carré
Jean-Luc Carré
Faculté de Médecine de Brest
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TRPV1 and TRPA1 in cutaneous neurogenic and chronic inflammation: pro-inflammatory response induced by their activation and their sensitization
O Gouin, K L’herondelle, N Lebonvallet, C Le Gall-Ianotto, M Sakka, ...
Protein & cell 8 (9), 644-661, 2017
Pathophysiological study of sensitive skin
V Buhé, K Vié, C Guéré, A Natalizio, C Lhéritier, C Le Gall-Ianotto, F Huet, ...
Acta dermato-venereologica 96 (3), 314-318, 2016
Influence of sensory neuropeptides on human cutaneous wound healing process
J Chéret, N Lebonvallet, V Buhé, JL Carre, L Misery, C Le Gall-Ianotto
Journal of dermatological science 74 (3), 193-203, 2014
Lycopene but not lutein nor zeaxanthin decreases in serum and lipoproteins in age-related macular degeneration patients
N Cardinault, JH Abalain, B Sairafi, C Coudray, P Grolier, M Rambeau, ...
Clinica chimica acta 357 (1), 34-42, 2005
Role of neuropeptides, neurotrophins, and neurohormones in skin wound healing
J Chéret, N Lebonvallet, JL Carré, L Misery, C Le Gall‐Ianotto
Wound repair and regeneration 21 (6), 772-788, 2013
Isolation of a new cell population in the glioblastoma microenvironment
A Clavreul, A Etcheverry, A Chassevent, V Quillien, T Avril, ML Jourdan, ...
Journal of neuro-oncology 106, 493-504, 2012
Thyroid hormone receptor isoforms are sequentially expressed in oligodendrocyte lineage cells during rat cerebral development
JL Carré, C Demerens, A Rodríguez‐Peña, HH Floch, G Vincendon, ...
Journal of neuroscience research 54 (5), 584-594, 1998
Is age-related macular degeneration associated with serum lipoprotein and lipoparticle levels?
JH Abalain, JL Carre, D Leglise, A Robinet, F Legall, A Meskar, HH Floch, ...
Clinica chimica acta 326 (1-2), 97-104, 2002
Reactive microglia in dysmyelination and demyelination
SC Zhang, BD Goetz, JL Carré, ID Duncan
Glia 34 (2), 101-109, 2001
Acute renal dysfunction after cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with plasmatic IL6 increase
G Gueret, F Lion, N Guriec, J Arvieux, A Dovergne, C Guennegan, ...
Cytokine 45 (2), 92-98, 2009
Self‐maintenance of neurogenic inflammation contributes to a vicious cycle in skin
O Gouin, N Lebonvallet, K L'Herondelle, C Le Gall‐Ianotto, V Buhé, ...
Experimental dermatology 24 (10), 723-726, 2015
Lipid parameters, lipid lowering drugs and the risk of venous thromboembolism
A Delluc, JM Malécot, H Kerspern, E Nowak, JL Carre, D Mottier, G Le Gal, ...
Atherosclerosis 220 (1), 184-188, 2012
Immune checkpoint inhibitors in melanoma: a review of pharmacokinetics and exposure–response relationships
C Leven, M Padelli, JL Carré, É Bellissant, L Misery
Clinical pharmacokinetics 58, 1393-1405, 2019
Expression of α and β thyroid receptors during oligodendrocyte differentiation
D Baas, D Bourbeau, JL Carre, LL Sarlieve, JH Dussault, J Puymirat
Neuroreport 5 (14), 1805-1808, 1994
The reproducibility of Stewart parameters for acid-base diagnosis using two central laboratory analyzers
BV Nguyen, JL Vincent, JB Hamm, JH Abalain, JL Carre, E Nowak, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 109 (5), 1517-1523, 2009
Topical imiquimod treatment of lentigo maligna: clinical and histologic evaluation
I Kupfer-Bessaguet, G Guillet, L Misery, JL Carre, JP Leroy, B Sassolas
Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 51 (4), 635-639, 2004
Major role for TRPV1 and InsP3R in PAR2-elicited inflammatory mediator production in differentiated human keratinocytes
O Gouin, K L'Herondelle, P Buscaglia, C Le Gall-Ianotto, R Philippe, ...
Journal of Investigative Dermatology 138 (7), 1564-1572, 2018
Metabolism of androgens in human hyperplastic prostate: evidence for a differential localization of the enzymes involved in the metabolism
JH Abalain, E Quemener, JL Carre, B Simon, Y Amet, P Mangin, HH Floch
Journal of steroid biochemistry 34 (1-6), 467-471, 1989
Electromagnetic signature of glucose in aqueous solutions and human blood
B Potelon, C Quendo, JL Carré, A Chevalier, C Person, P Queffelec
MEMSWAVE Conference, 30 juin–2 juillet 2014, La Rochelle, France., 7-4, 2014
Mutations in the rat myelin basic protein gene are associated with specific alterations in other myelin gene expression
JL Carré, BD Goetz, LT O'Connor, Q Bremer, ID Duncan
Neuroscience letters 330 (1), 17-20, 2002
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