María Elena Gómez Miranda
María Elena Gómez Miranda
Profesora de Análisis Contable, Universidad de Granada
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Board independence and GRI-IFC performance standards: The mediating effect of the CSR committee
IM García-Sánchez, ME Gómez-Miranda, F David, L Rodríguez-Ariza
Journal of Cleaner Production 225, 554-562, 2019
The explanatory effect of CSR committee and assurance services on the adoption of the IFC performance standards, as a means of enhancing corporate transparency
IM García-Sánchez, ME Gomez-Miranda, F David, L Rodríguez-Ariza
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal 10 (5), 773-797, 2019
Measuring the impact of inquiry-based learning on outcomes and student satisfaction
JL Zafra-Gómez, I Román-Martínez, ME Gómez-Miranda
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 40 (8), 1050-1069, 2015
Analyst coverage and forecast accuracy when CSR reports improve stakeholder engagement: The Global Reporting Initiative‐International Finance Corporation disclosure strategy
IM García‐Sánchez, ME Gómez‐Miranda, F David, L Rodríguez‐Ariza
Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2019
Análisis de sensibilidad temporal en los modelos de predicción de insolvencia: una aplicación a las PYMES industrials
MEG Miranda, JM de la Torre Martínez, IR Martínez
Spanish Journal of Finance and Accounting/Revista Española de Financiación y …, 2008
The Impact of Organizational Culture on Competitiveness, Effectiveness and Efficiency in Spanish-Moroccan International Joint Ventures
ME Gómez-Miranda, MC Pérez-López, E Argente-Linares, ...
Personnel Review 44, 364-387, 2015
The impact of population size on the risk of local government default
D Buendía-Carrillo, J Lara-Rubio, A Navarro-Galera, ME Gómez-Miranda
International Tax and Public Finance 27 (5), 1264-1286, 2020
The internationalisation of Spanish family firms through business groups: Factors affecting the profitability, and the moderating effect of the family nature of the Spanish …
MCP López, MEG Miranda, E Argente-Linares, L López-Sánchez
Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review 21 (1), 82-90, 2018
Analysing financial risks of local governments to design sustainability policies for public services: An empirical study by the population size
J Lara-Rubio, A Navarro-Galera, D Buendia-Carrillo, ME Gomez-Miranda
Cities 128, 103795, 2022
Evidencia empírica en torno al estudio del factor tamaño como condicionante empresarial
ME Gómez Miranda, L Rodríguez Ariza
Asociación Española de Profesores Universitarios de Contabilidad (ASEPUC), 2004
Vartika.(2022). The disclosures of information on cybersecurity in listed companies in latin America—Proposal for a cybersecurity disclosure index
M Ramírez, L Rodríguez Ariza, ME Gómez Miranda
Sustainability (Basel, Switzerland) 14 (3), 1390, 0
La rentabilidad sobre las ventas netas de la empresa Cartavio SAA, período 2016-2020
M Miranda, V Rivas
Lima. Obtenido de https://repositorio. ucv. edu. pe/bitstream/handle/20.500 …, 2021
University research and the creation of spin‐offs: the Spanish case
I Román‐Martínez, ME Gómez‐Miranda, J Sánchez‐Fernández
European Journal of Education 52 (3), 387-398, 2017
Reference tick strains as an important biological material for acaricide resistance characterization
F Martínez-Ibáñez, E Miranda-Miranda, VCE Jasso, R Cossio-Bayugar
The Entomological Guide to Rhipicephalus. Nova Science, New York, 177-200, 2021
The disclosures of information on cybersecurity in listed companies in latin america—Proposal for a cybersecurity disclosure index
M Ramírez, L Rodríguez Ariza, ME Gómez Miranda, Vartika
Sustainability 14 (3), 1390, 2022
Economic and financial snapshot of small Spanish family firms
S Terrón Ibáñez, ME Gómez-Miranda, MM Miras Rodríguez, ...
Actividad:¿ Condicionante de la situación económico-financiera empresarial?
L Rodríguez Ariza, ME Gómez Miranda
An empirical analysis of women’s influence on management of financial risk in local governments
ME Gómez Miranda, A Navarro Galera, D Buendía Carrillo, J Lara Rubio
Universidad de Murcia, 2022
Las spin-off universitarias españolas: análisis económico-financiero y factores que condicionan su cifra de negocios
ME Gómez Miranda, MI Román Martínez
Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 2016
El sistema comunitario para la biodiversidad: Una estrategia para el manejo comunitario del complejo hidrológico Copalita-Zimatán-Huatulco
MA González, FS Martínez, M Miranda, I Martínez, J Pérez
Gestión de cuencas y servicios ambientales. Perspectivas comunitarias y …, 2008
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