Jose M.C. Pereira
Jose M.C. Pereira
Forest Research Centre, School of Agriculture, University of Lisbon
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Modeling spatial patterns of fire occurrence in Mediterranean Europe using Multiple Regression and Random Forest
S Oliveira, F Oehler, J San-Miguel-Ayanz, A Camia, JMC Pereira
Forest Ecology and Management 275, 117-129, 2012
A multiple criteria decision-making approach to GIS-based land suitability evaluation
JMC Pereira, L Duckstein
International journal of geographical Information science 7 (5), 407-424, 1993
GIS-based habitat modeling using logistic multiple regression- A study of the Mt. Graham red squirrel
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 57 (11), 1475-1486, 1991
Wildfire management in Mediterranean-type regions: paradigm change needed
F Moreira, D Ascoli, H Safford, MA Adams, JM Moreno, JMC Pereira, ...
Environmental Research Letters 15 (1), 011001, 2020
Synoptic patterns associated with large summer forest fires in Portugal
MG Pereira, RM Trigo, CC da Camara, JMC Pereira, SM Leite
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 129 (1-2), 11-25, 2005
Global wildland fire emissions from 1960 to 2000
MG Schultz, A Heil, JJ Hoelzemann, A Spessa, K Thonicke, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 22 (2), 2008
An assessment of vegetation fire in Africa (1981-1991): Burned areas, burned biomass and atmospheric emissions
JMCP Paulo M. Barbosa, Daniela Stroppiana, Jean-Marie Gregoire
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 13 (4), 933-950, 1999
A comparative evaluation of NOAA/AVHRR vegetation indexes for burned surface detection and mapping
JMC Pereira
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 37 (1), 217-226, 2002
Spatial prediction of fire ignition probabilities: comparing logistic regression and neural networks
MJP De Vasconcelos, S Silva, M Tome, M Alvim, JMC Pereira
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing 67 (1), 73-81, 2001
An algorithm for extracting burned areas from time series of AVHRR GAC data applied at a continental scale
PM Barbosa, JM Grégoire, JMC Pereira
Remote sensing of environment 69 (3), 253-263, 1999
Global spatial and temporal distribution of vegetation fire as determined from satellite observations
E Dwyer, S Pinnock, JM Grégoire, JMC Pereira
International Journal of Remote Sensing 21 (6-7), 1289-1302, 2000
Vegetation burning in the year 2000: Global burned area estimates from SPOT VEGETATION data
K Tansey, JM Grégoire, D Stroppiana, A Sousa, J Silva, JMC Pereira, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D14), 2004
Estimation of tree canopy cover in evergreen oak woodlands using remote sensing
JMB Carreiras, JMC Pereira, JS Pereira
Forest ecology and management 223 (1-3), 45-53, 2006
Atmospheric conditions associated with the exceptional fire season of 2003 in Portugal
RM Trigo, JMC Pereira, MRG Pereira, B Mota, TJ Calado, CC Dacamara, ...
International journal of climatology 26 (13), 1741-1758, 2006
Land cover type and fire in Portugal: do fires burn land cover selectively?
MCS Nunes, MJ Vasconcelos, JMC Pereira, N Dasgupta, RJ Alldredge, ...
Landscape Ecology 20, 661-673, 2005
Comparing the accuracies of remote sensing global burned area products using stratified random sampling and estimation
M Padilla, SV Stehman, R Ramo, D Corti, S Hantson, P Oliva, ...
Remote sensing of environment 160, 114-121, 2015
A new global burned area product for climate assessment of fire impacts
E Chuvieco, C Yue, A Heil, F Mouillot, I Alonso‐Canas, M Padilla, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 25 (5), 619-629, 2016
Seasonality of vegetation fires as modified by human action: observing the deviation from eco‐climatic fire regimes
Y Le Page, D Oom, JMN Silva, P Jönsson, JMC Pereira
Global Ecology and Biogeography 19 (4), 575-588, 2010
Radiometric analysis of SPOT-VEGETATION images for burnt area detection in Northern Australia
D Stroppiana, S Pinnock, JMC Pereira, JM Grégoire
Remote sensing of environment 82 (1), 21-37, 2002
Exploring the spatial patterns of fire density in Southern Europe using Geographically Weighted Regression
S Oliveira, JMC Pereira, J San-Miguel-Ayanz, L Lourenço
Applied Geography 51, 143-157, 2014
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