Exploring corpora for ESP learning L Gavioli John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2005 | 515 | 2005 |
Enriching reality: Language corpora in language pedagogy L Gavioli, G Aston ELT journal 55 (3), 238-246, 2001 | 315 | 2001 |
Coordinating participation in dialogue interpreting C Baraldi, L Gavioli John Benjamins Publishing, 2012 | 209 | 2012 |
The learner as researcher: introducting corpus cocordancing in the classroom L Gavioli Learning with corpora.-(Biblioteca della Scuola superiore di linguemoderne …, 2001 | 151 | 2001 |
Dialogue interpreting as intercultural mediation C Baraldi, L Gavioli 2007) Dialogue and culture. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 155-175, 2007 | 130 | 2007 |
Interpreter-mediated interaction in healthcare and legal settings: Talk organization, context and the achievement of intercultural communication L Gavioli, C Baraldi Interpreting 13 (2), 205-233, 2011 | 116 | 2011 |
Exploring texts through the concordancer: Guiding the learner L Gavioli Teaching and language corpora, 83-99, 2014 | 112 | 2014 |
Introduction: Understanding coordination in interpreter-mediated interaction C Baraldi, L Gavioli Coordinating participation in dialogue interpreting 102, 1-21, 2012 | 85 | 2012 |
Il doppiaggio: trasposizioni linguistiche e culturali R Baccolini, RM Bollettieri Bosinelli, L Gavioli Clueb, 1994 | 83 | 1994 |
The PIXI corpora L Gavioli, G Mansfield Clueb, 1990 | 80 | 1990 |
Turn‐initial versus turn‐final laughter: Two techniques for initiating remedy in English/Italian bookshop service encounters L Gavioli Discourse Processes 19 (3), 369-384, 1995 | 77 | 1995 |
On professional and non-professional interpreting in healthcare services: The case of intercultural mediators C Baraldi, L Gavioli European Journal of Applied Linguistics 4 (1), 33-55, 2016 | 65 | 2016 |
Minimal responses in interpreter-mediated medical talk L Gavioli Coordinating participation in dialogue interpreting 102, 201-249, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Are close renditions the golden standard? Some thoughts on translating accurately in healthcare interpreter-mediated interaction C Baraldi, L Gavioli The Interpreter and Translator Trainer 8 (3), 336-353, 2014 | 61 | 2014 |
On the distribution of responsibilities in treating critical issues in interpreter-mediated medical consultations: The case of “le spieghi (amo)” L Gavioli Journal of Pragmatics 76, 169-180, 2015 | 60 | 2015 |
Some thoughts on the problem of representing ESP through small corpora L Gavioli Teaching and learning by doing corpus analysis, 293-303, 2002 | 48 | 2002 |
La mediazione linguistico-culturale: Una prospettiva interazionista L Gavioli Guerra, 2009 | 43 | 2009 |
Comparable corpora and translation: a pedagogic perspective L Gavioli, F Zanettin first international conference on Corpus Use and Learning to Translate …, 1997 | 43 | 1997 |
Intercultural mediation and “(non) professional” interpreting in Italian healthcare institutions C Baraldi, L Gavioli Non-professional interpreting and translation, 83-106, 2017 | 38 | 2017 |
I corpora bilingui nell'apprendimento della traduzione. Riflessioni su un'esperienza pedagogica L Gavioli, F Zanettin I corpora nella didattica della traduzione 21, 61-80, 2000 | 36 | 2000 |