Kossi Edoh
Kossi Edoh
Professor of Mathematics, NC A&T State University
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Chaotic dynamics in Josephson junction
SK Dana, DC Sengupta, KD Edoh
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and …, 2001
Computation of invariant tori by orthogonal collocation
KD Edoh, RD Russell, W Sun
Applied Numerical Mathematics 32 (3), 273-289, 2000
Instructional Selection of Active Learning and Traditional Courses Increases Student Achievement in College Mathematics.
JP Roop, K Edoh, A Kurepa
Journal of Education and Learning 7 (5), 11-19, 2018
A fast wavelet multilevel approach to total variation image denoising
K Edoh, JP Roop
International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern …, 2009
Elliptic curve cryptography: Java implementation
KD Edoh
Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Information Security curriculum …, 2004
Qualitative analysis of invariant tori in a dynamical system
DH Hepting, G Derks, KD Edoh, RD Russell
Proceedings Visualization'95, 342-345, 1995
Presentation attack detection using wavelet transform and deep residual neural net
P Chatterjee, A Yalchin, J Shelton, K Roy, X Yuan, KD Edoh
Security, Privacy, and Anonymity in Computation, Communication, and Storage …, 2019
Reconfiguration graphs of shortest paths
J Asplund, K Edoh, R Haas, Y Hristova, B Novick, B Werner
Discrete Mathematics 341 (10), 2938-2948, 2018
Network and equation-based models in epidemiology
K Edoh, E MacCarthy
International Journal of Biomathematics 11 (03), 1850046, 2018
Drone-based face recognition using deep learning
A Deeb, K Roy, KD Edoh
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of …, 2021
Elliptic curve cryptography on pocketpcs
K Edoh
International Journal of Security and Its Applications 3 (3), 23-33, 2009
Computation of Lyapunov-type numbers for invariant curves of planar maps
KD Edoh, J Lorenz
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 23 (4), 1113-1134, 2001
Nonlinearity in cicada sound signals
K Edoh, D Hughes, R Katz
Journal of Biological Systems 21 (01), 1350004, 2013
Numerical approximation of rough invariant curves of planar maps
KD Edoh, J Lorenz
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 25 (1), 213-223, 2003
Developing an interdisciplinary Health Informatics Security and privacy program
X Yuan, J Xu, H Wang, K Edoh
2013 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1618-1622, 2013
Traffic sign recognition for self-driving cars with deep learning
D Xie, E Nuakoh, P Chatterjee, A Ghattan, K Edoh, K Roy
Advanced Machine Learning Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of …, 2021
Numerical approximation of invariant tori using orthogonal collocation
KD Edoh, RD Russell, W Sun
3rd SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems at Snowbird, Utah, 1995
High-dimensional contact network epidemiology
A Ackerman, B Martin, M Tanisha, K Edoh, JP Ward
Epidemiologia 4 (3), 286-297, 2023
Changing students' perception of mathematics through active learning
A Kurepa, JP Roop, K Edoh
International Journal of Education 11 (1), 29, 2019
``Multicast security: Issues and new schemes for key management''
KD Edoh, H Wahab
Information Resource Management Association International Conference, 123-126, 2003
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