Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Teresa CulverWeitere Informationen
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Assessing the Impact of Antecedent Dry Period and Storm Volume on Nitrogen Transport in Biochar-Amended and Compost-Amended Roadway Soils
MS Rossetti, TB Culver
World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2023, 636-647, 2023
Mandate: US Department of Education
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Leveraging open source software and parallel computing for model predictive control of urban drainage systems using EPA-SWMM5
JM Sadler, JL Goodall, M Behl, MM Morsy, TB Culver, BD Bowes
Environmental Modelling & Software 120, 104484, 2019
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Reinforcement learning-based real-time control of coastal urban stormwater systems to mitigate flooding and improve water quality
BD Bowes, C Wang, MB Ercan, TB Culver, PA Beling, JL Goodall
Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology 8 (10), 2065-2086, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Evaluating the impact and uncertainty of reservoir operation for malaria control as the climate changes in Ethiopia
J Reis, TB Culver, PJ Block, MP McCartney
Climatic change 136, 601-614, 2016
Mandate: CGIAR
Developing nitrogen removal models for stormwater bioretention systems
J Li, TB Culver, PP Persaud, JM Hathaway
Water Research 243, 120381, 2023
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Review of process-based nitrogen model for agricultural fields with implications for nitrogen simulations in stormwater BMPs
J Li, TB Culver
Environmental Modelling & Software 151, 105363, 2022
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Removing nitrate from stormwater with biochar amendment to roadway soils
PT Imhoff, TB Culver, PC Chiu
Virginia Center for Transportation Innovation and Research, 2019
Mandate: US Department of Transportation
Development of a special provision on the use of pervious concrete as a stormwater management tool in parking lots
GM Moruza, HC Ozyildirim, TB Culver
Virginia Transportation Research Council, 2017
Mandate: US Department of Transportation
Quantifying background nitrate removal mechanisms in an agricultural watershed with contrasting subcatchment baseflow concentrations
WO Zell, TB Culver, WE Sanford, JL Goodall
Journal of Environmental Quality 49 (2), 392-403, 2020
Mandate: US National Science Foundation
Simultaneous Removal of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Stormwater by Zero-Valent Iron and Biochar in Bioretention Cells (Part 1)
PC Chiu, PT Imhoff, TB Culver
Mid-Atlantic Transportation Sustainability University Transportation Center, 2016
Mandate: US Department of Transportation
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