ludovic henrio
ludovic henrio
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A theory of distributed objects: asynchrony, mobility, groups, components
D Caromel, L Henrio
Springer-Verlag New York Inc, 2005
A survey of active object languages
F Boer, V Serbanescu, R Hähnle, L Henrio, J Rochas, CC Din, ...
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 50 (5), 1-39, 2017
Asynchronous and deterministic objects
D Caromel, L Henrio, BP Serpette
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 39 (1), 123-134, 2004
Gcm: A grid extension to fractal for autonomous distributed components
F Baude, D Caromel, C Dalmasso, M Danelutto, V Getov, L Henrio, ...
Annals of Telecommunications 64 (1), 5-24, 2009
Behavioural models for distributed Fractal components
T Barros, R Ameur-Boulifa, A Cansado, L Henrio, E Madelaine
Annals of Telecommunications 64 (1), 25-43, 2009
Behavioural models for hierarchical components
T Barros, L Henrio, E Madelaine
Model Checking Software, 902-902, 2005
Asynchronous sequential processes
D Caromel, L Henrio, BP Serpette
Information and Computation 207 (4), 459-495, 2009
A hybrid message logging-cic protocol for constrained checkpointability
F Baude, D Caromel, C Delbé, L Henrio
Euro-Par 2005 Parallel Processing, 623-623, 2005
Verification of distributed hierarchical components
T Barros, L Henrio, E Madelaine
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 160, 41-55, 2006
Multi-threaded active objects
L Henrio, F Huet, Z István
Coordination Models and Languages: 15th International Conference …, 2013
Type safe algorithmic skeletons
D Caromel, L Henrio, M Leyton
Parallel, Distributed and Network-Based Processing, 2008. PDP 2008. 16th …, 2008
Collective interfaces for distributed components
F Baude, D Caromel, L Henrio, M Morel
Cluster Computing and the Grid, 2007. CCGRID 2007. Seventh IEEE …, 2007
Behavioural semantics for asynchronous components
R Ameur-Boulifa, L Henrio, O Kulankhina, E Madelaine, A Savu
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 89, 1-40, 2017
Choice trees: Representing nondeterministic, recursive, and impure programs in coq
N Chappe, P He, L Henrio, Y Zakowski, S Zdancewic
Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages 7 (POPL), 1770-1800, 2023
Management of service compositionbased on self-controlled components
T Aubonnet, L Henrio, S Kessal, O Kulankhina, F Lemoine, E Madelaine, ...
Journal of Internet Services and Applications 6, 1-17, 2015
Programming distributed and adaptable autonomous components—the GCM/ProActive framework
F Baude, L Henrio, C Ruz
Software: Practice and Experience 45 (9), 1189-1227, 2015
A Fault Tolerant and Multi-Paradigm Grid Architecture for Time Constrained Problems. Application to Option Pricing in Finance.
S Bezzine, V Galtier, S Vialle, F Baude, M Bossy, VD Doan, L Henrio
e-Science and Grid Computing, 2006. e-Science'06. Second IEEE International …, 2006
A theory for the composition of concurrent processes
L Henrio, E Madelaine, M Zhang
Formal Techniques for Distributed Objects, Components, and Systems: 36th …, 2016
pNets: an Expressive Model for Parameterised Networks of Processes
L Henrio, E Madelaine, M Zhang
Formal Approaches to Parallel and Distributed Systems (4PAD)-Special Session …, 2015
Verifying safety of fault-tolerant distributed components
R Ameur-Boulifa, R Halalai, L Henrio, E Madelaine
International Workshop on Formal Aspects of Component Software, 278-295, 2011
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