Fauziah Che Leh
Fauziah Che Leh
Senior Lecturer
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Homestay tourism and pro-poor tourism strategy in Banghuris Selangor, Malaysia
FC Leh, MR Hamzah
Elixir International Journal 45, 7602-7610, 2012
Measuring recreational value using travel cost method (TCM): a number of issues and limitations
FC Leh, FZ Mokhtar, N Rameli, K Ismail
International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences 8 …, 2018
Level of knowledge, skills and attitude of trainee teachers on Web 2.0 applications in teaching geography in Malaysia schools
FC Leh, A Anduroh, M Huda
Heliyon 7 (12), 2021
Hot springs for health tourism destination in Perak, Malaysia
FC Leh, N Nayan, AA Baharom
Elixir Tour. Manag 39, 5054-5058, 2011
Translating Islamic identity into numbers
A Maseleno, M Huda, M Marzuki, FC Leh, A Hashim, MH Ibrahim
Linguistics and Culture Review, 139-159, 2021
The Geography of Accessibility: Assessing the Malaysian Approach to COVID-19 Pandemic Management: Kebolehcapaian Geografi: Menilai Pendekatan Malaysia Dalam Pengurusan Pandemik …
CL Fauziah
Geografi 8 (2), 66-91, 2020
Pencemaran habuk di Malaysia: Mengesan taburan konsentrasi PM10 di pusat bandar, sub bandar dan pinggir bandar di Ipoh, Perak (Dust pollution in Malaysia: An investigation of …
MH Ibrahim, FC Leh, NKM Isa, M Adnan
Geografia 12 (5), 2016
Survival warisan budaya dalam sektor pelancongan. Satu tinjauan di Melaka
Y Saleh, Z Mat Said, N Nayan, F Che Leh
Perak: Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 2007
Pelancongan bandar dan isu keselamatan: Kajian kes pelancong antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur
FC Leh
Geografia 12 (8), 2016
Promoting environmental sustainability governance: a critical exposure from cross-sector partnership
M Huda, A Hashim, MAC Noh, MH Ibrahim, B Rismayadi, SL Qodriah, ...
Handbook of Research on Environmental Education Strategies for Addressing …, 2021
Women's intra-household decision making power and financial resources
AM Sultana, N Hed, FC Leh
Advances in environmental biology, 4703-4709, 2013
The growth and achievement of agro-tourism in Malaysia, 2000-2012
F Che Leh, B Omar
Proceedings of the 3rd Regional Conference on Tourism Research, 40-52, 2013
Hubungan Universiti-Industri dalam Konteks Pembangunan Ekonomi Setempat
F Che Leh
Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, 2007
Measuring empowerment between working and non-working women: Malaysian perspective
AM Sultana, NM Hed, FC Leh
Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Studies 1 (5), 2013
Perfunctory or faithful: the impact of self-professional identity on labor productivity of front-line employees in hotels
A Xie, FC Leh, N Rambeli
Heliyon 9 (8), 2023
Translating Islamic identity into numbers. Linguistics and Culture Review, 5 (S1), 139-159
A Maseleno, M Huda, M Marzuki, FC Leh, A Hashim, MH Ibrahim
Resilience in the face of flash floods, landslides and mudflows: the experience of tourist spots in cameron highlands
FC Leh, FZ Mokhtar
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 683 (1), 012069, 2021
Indicators for safe urban tourism
CL Fauziah, R Norimah, O Baharuddin, YHA Muhamamd
Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education 12 (3), 257-266, 2021
Economic valuation of environmental resources at selected hot springs in Perak
FC Leh, FZ Mokhtar, N Rameli, K Ismail
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 286 (1), 012020, 2019
Konsep Pemasaran Tempat danKepentingannya dalam Sektor Pelancongan: KajianKes di Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar, Perak: Place Marketing Concept and it’s Significance in the …
FC Leh, NKY Yunus, AZA Abd Razak, B Omar
Perspektif Jurnal Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan 5 (3), 68-79, 2013
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