Fernando  Meloni
Fernando Meloni
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Seasonal variation of the major secondary metabolites present in the extract of Eremanthus mattogrossensis Less (Asteraceae: Vernonieae) leaves
DR Gouvea, L Gobbo-Neto, HT Sakamoto, NP Lopes, JLC Lopes, ...
Química Nova 35, 2139-2145, 2012
Litter and soil arthropod colonization in reforested semi‐deciduous seasonal Atlantic forests
F Meloni, EM Varanda
Restoration Ecology 23 (5), 690-697, 2015
Vegetation pattern modulates ground arthropod diversity in semi-arid mediterranean steppes
F Meloni, B F. Civieta, J A. Zaragoza, M Lourdes Moraza, S Bautista
Insects 11 (1), 59, 2020
Scale dependence and patch size distribution: clarifying patch patterns in Mediterranean drylands
F Meloni, CRF Granzotti, S Bautista, AS Martinez
Ecosphere 8 (2), e01690, 2017
Effect of fertilisation and harvest period on polar metabolites of Calendula oficcinalis
EFA Fernandes, F Meloni, JC Borella, NP Lopes
Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia 23 (5), 731-735, 2013
The relationship between leaf nitrogen, nitrogen metabolites and herbivory in two species of Nyctaginaceae from the Brazilian Cerrado
F Meloni, NP Lopes, EM Varanda
Environmental and Experimental Botany 75, 268-276, 2012
Vegetation cover reveals the phase diagram of patch patterns in drylands
F Meloni, GM Nakamura, CRF Granzotti, AS Martinez
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 534, 122048, 2019
A new HPLC-DAD-MS/MS method for the simultaneous determination of major compounds in the crude extract of Lychnophora salicifolia Mart.(Brazilian arnicão) leaves: Application …
DR Gouvea, F Meloni, ABB Ribeiro, JLC Lopes, NP Lopes
Analytica Chimica Acta 748, 28-36, 2012
Soil fauna and its potential use in the ecological restoration of dryland ecosystems
J Morales‐Márquez, F Meloni
Restoration Ecology 30 (6), e13686, 2022
Prediction of mortality in Intensive Care Units: a multivariate feature selection
F Monteiro, F Meloni, JA Baranauskas, AA Macedo
Journal of Biomedical Informatics 107, 103456, 2020
Influência do desenvolvimento florestal sobre a comunidade edáfico-epígea de Arthropoda e a mirmecofauna: bases para a bioindicação do processo sucessional na restauração ecológica
F Meloni
Universidade de São Paulo, 2012
Inadequate sampling rates can undermine the reliability of ecological interaction estimation
B Cabella, F Meloni, AS Martinez
Mathematical and Computational Applications 24 (2), 48, 2019
An accurate real-time method to detect the smile facial expression
L Persona, F Meloni, AA Macedo
Proceedings of the 29th Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web, 46-55, 2023
Soil arthropods indicate the range of plant facilitation on the soil of Mediterranean drylands
F Meloni, AS Martinez
Theoretical Ecology 14 (2), 303-319, 2021
Modeling cooperation and competition in biological communities
F Meloni, GM Nakamura, B Grammaticos, AS Martinez, M Badoual
Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 19 (3), 333-358, 2023
A nonverbal recognition method to assist speech
F Meloni, B Sicchieri, P Mandrá, R Bulcão-Neto, AA Macedo
2021 IEEE 34th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems …, 2021
Detection and Evaluation of Speech Intelligibility with Speech Tool
F Meloni, BB Sicchieri, P Mandrá, RDF Bulcão-Neto, AA Macedo
2022 XVLIII Latin American Computer Conference (CLEI), 1-9, 2022
Empirical evidence reveals the phase diagram of patch patterns in Mediterranean drylands
F Meloni, CRF Granzotti, AS Martinez
bioRxiv, 171835, 2017
Aspectos químicos e ecológicos de Neea theifera (Oerst) e Guapira graciliflora (Lundell)(Nyctaginaceae) ea comunidade de Arthropoda no Cerrado stricto sensu, gleba Pé-de …
F Meloni
Master Thesis. FFCLRP, Universidade de São Paulo, Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo …, 2008
Recognition of Emotions through Facial Geometry with Normalized Landmarks
AA Macedo, L Persona, F Meloni
Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and the Web (WebMedia), 257-266, 2024
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