Comeau Louis Pierre
Comeau Louis Pierre
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
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Denial of long‐term issues with agriculture on tropical peatlands will have devastating consequences
LS Wijedasa, J Jauhiainen, M Könönen, M Lampela, H Vasander, ...
Global change biology 23 (3), 977-982, 2017
How do the heterotrophic and the total soil respiration of an oil palm plantation on peat respond to nitrogen fertilizer application?
LP Comeau, K Hergoualc'h, J Hartill, J Smith, LV Verchot, D Peak, ...
Geoderma 268, 41-51, 2016
Drainage increases CO2 and N2O emissions from tropical peat soils
JA Prananto, B Minasny, LP Comeau, R Rudiyanto, P Grace
Global Change Biology 26 (8), 4583-4600, 2020
Carbon input from 13C-labeled crops in four soil organic matter fractions
LP Comeau, RL Lemke, JD Knight, A Bedard-Haughn
Biology and fertility of soils 49, 1179-1188, 2013
Soil carbon storage: modulators, mechanisms and modeling
B Singh
Academic Press, 2018
Gross nitrogen mineralization in pulse-crop rotations on the Northern Great Plains
A Bedard-Haughn, LP Comeau, A Sangster
Nutrient cycling in agroecosystems 95, 159-174, 2013
Effects of drainage duration on mineral wetland soils in a Prairie Pothole agroecosystem
R Brown, Z Zhang, LP Comeau, A Bedard-Haughn
Soil and Tillage Research 168, 187-197, 2017
Full-season cover crops and their traits that promote agroecosystem services
C Wagg, A van Erk, E Fava, LP Comeau, TF Mitterboeck, C Goyer, S Li, ...
Agriculture 11 (9), 830, 2021
Improving soil quality and potato productivity with manure and high-residue cover crops in Eastern Canada
J Nyiraneza, D Chen, T Fraser, LP Comeau
Plants 10 (7), 1436, 2021
Conversion of intact peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation: effects on soil CO2 fluxes in Jambi
LP Comeau, K Hergoualc’h, JU Smith, L Verchot
Sumatra. Bogor, 2013
Conversion of intact peat swamp forest to oil palm plantation: effects on soil CO2 fluxes in Jambi, Sumatra.
LP Comeau, K Hergoualc'h, JU Smith, L Verchot
Spatial variation of soil health indices in a commercial potato field in eastern Canada
BJ Zebarth, MM Islam, AN Cambouris, I Perron, DL Burton, LP Comeau, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 83 (6), 1786-1798, 2019
Soil heterotrophic respiration assessment using minimally disturbed soil microcosm cores
LP Comeau, DYF Lai, JJ Cui, J Hartill
MethodsX 5, 834-840, 2018
Separation of soil respiration: a site-specific comparison of partition methods
LP Comeau, DYF Lai, JJ Cui, J Farmer
Soil 4 (2), 141-152, 2018
Projecting soil C under future climate and land-use scenarios (modeling)
M Dondini, M Abdalla, FK Aini, F Albanito, MR Beckert, K Begum, A Brand, ...
Soil Carbon Storage, 281-309, 2018
Soil factors related to within-field yield variation in commercial potato fields in Prince Edward Island Canada
BJ Zebarth, S Fillmore, S Watts, R Barrett, LP Comeau
American Journal of Potato Research 98 (2), 139-148, 2021
Effect of Biofumigation on Population Densities of Pratylenchus spp. and Verticillium spp. and Potato Yield in Eastern Canada
D Chen, BJ Zebarth, C Goyer, LP Comeau, K Nahar, T Dixon
American Journal of Potato Research 99 (3), 229-242, 2022
Soil properties and topographic features influence within‐field variation in potato tuber yield in New Brunswick, Canada
BJ Zebarth, G Moreau, T Dixon, S Fillmore, A Smith, S Hann, LP Comeau
Soil Science Society of America Journal 86 (1), 134-145, 2022
Separation of soil respiration: a site-specific comparison of partition methods. Soil 4: 141–152
LP Comeau, DYF Lai, JJ Cui, J Farmer
Carbon dioxide fluxes and soil organic matter characteristics on an intact peat swamp forest, a drained and logged forest on peat, and a peatland oil palm plantation in Jambi …
LP Comeau
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