Katie Almondes
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Insomnia and risk of dementia in older adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
KM de Almondes, MV Costa, LF Malloy-Diniz, BS Diniz
Journal of psychiatric research 77, 109-115, 2016
Padrão do ciclo sono-vigília e sua relação com a ansiedade em estudantes universitários
KM Almondes, JF Araújo
Estudos de Psicologia (Natal) 8, 37-43, 2003
My dream, my rules: can lucid dreaming treat nightmares?
TCF de Macêdo, GH Ferreira, KM de Almondes, R Kirov, SA Mota-Rolim
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2618, 2019
Exercise-dependent BDNF as a modulatory factor for the executive processing of individuals in course of cognitive decline. A systematic review
GG de Assis, KM Almondes
Frontiers in psychology 8, 584, 2017
Universidade, contexto ansiogênico? Avaliação de traço e estado de ansiedade em estudantes do ciclo básico
CL Ferreira, KM Almondes, LP Braga, ÁNS Mata, CA Lemos, EMC Maia
Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 14, 973-981, 2009
Normative data of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale 11 (BIS-11) for Brazilian adults
LF Malloy-Diniz, JJ Paula, AG Vasconcelos, KM Almondes, R Pessoa, ...
Brazilian Journal of Psychiatry 37, 245-248, 2015
Qualidade de sono e sua relação com o rendimento acadêmico em estudantes universitários de turnos distintos
D de Freitas Araújo, KM de Almondes
Psico 43 (3), 2012
Obesidade e tratamento: desafio comportamental e social
JMB Souza, MM Castro, EMC Maia, AN Ribeiro, KM Almondes, NG Silva
Revista Brasileira de Terapias Cognitivas 1 (1), 59-67, 2005
Effects of the Cognitive Training Program and Sleep Hygiene for Executive Functions and the Sleep Quality in Healthy Elderly
Dementia & Neuropsychologia 11, 69-78, 2017
Sleep and executive functions in older adults: a systematic review
FWN Holanda, KM Almondes
Dementia & Neuropsychologia 10 (03), 185-197, 2016
Changes in sleep habits of medical students according to class starting time: a longitudinal study
PF Lima, R Maxaranguape
Sleep 2 (2), 33-36, 2009
Sleep and awakening quality during COVID-19 confinement: Complexity and relevance for health and behavior
T Paiva, C Reis, A Feliciano, H Canas-Simião, MA Machado, T Gaspar, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (7), 3506, 2021
The influence of telemedicine care on the management of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia (BPSD) risk factors induced or exacerbated during the COVID-19 pandemic
WB Soares, IT Silvestre, AMO Lima, KM De Almondes
Frontiers in psychiatry 11, 577629, 2020
The relationship between sleep complaints, depression, and executive functions on older adults
KM Almondes, MV Costa, LF Malloy-Diniz, BS Diniz
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1547, 2016
The impact of different shift work schedules on the levels of anxiety and stress in workers in a petrochemicals company
KM Almondes, JF Araújo
Estudos de Psicologia (Campinas) 26, 15-23, 2009
Impact of sleep deprivation on emotional regulation and the immune system of healthcare workers as a risk factor for COVID 19: Practical recommendations from a task force of …
KM Almondes, HA Marín Agudelo, U Jiménez-Correa
Frontiers in psychology 12, 564227, 2021
Sleep and cognitive performance in children and pre-adolescents: A review
DF Araújo, KM Almondes
Biological Rhythm Research 45 (2), 193-207, 2014
Hábitos de sono e desempenho em estudantes de medicina
ALD Medeiros, PF Lima, KM Almondes, AS Dias Junior, SAM Rolim, ...
Revista Saúde do centro de ciências da saúde (UFRN) 16 (1), 49-54, 2002
Comparative analysis of psychology responding to COVID-19 pandemic in brics nations
KM Almondes, L Bizarro, MCOS Miyazaki, MRZ Soares, AC Peuker, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 12, 567585, 2021
Sleep deprivation and implications for recognition and perception of facial emotions
KM de Almondes, FWNH Júnior, NT Alves
Sleep and Biological Rhythms 14, 13-22, 2016
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