Søren Krogh Jensen
Søren Krogh Jensen
Professor, Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, Aarhus University
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Biological methylation of mercury in aquatic organisms
S Jensen, A Jernelöv
Nature 223 (5207), 753-754, 1969
DDT and PCB in marine animals from Swedish waters
S Jensen, AG Johnels, M Olsson, G Otterlind
Nature 224 (5216), 247-250, 1969
PCB levels correlated with pathological changes in seal uteri
E Helle, M Olsson, S Jensen
Ambio, 261-262, 1976
Temporal trends of organochlorines in Northern Europe, 1967–1995. Relation to global fractionation, leakage from sediments and international measures
A Bignert, M Olsson, W Persson, S Jensen, S Zakrisson, K Litzén, ...
Environmental Pollution 99 (2), 177-198, 1998
Monitoring of environmental cancer initiators through hemoglobin adducts by a modified Edman degradation method
M Törnqvist, J Mowrer, S Jensen, L Ehrenberg
Analytical biochemistry 154 (1), 255-266, 1986
DDT and PCB levels and reproduction in ringed seal from the Bothnian Bay.
E Helle, M Olsson, S Jensen
Ambio 5 (4), 188-189, 1976
Structures and levels of most chlorobiphenyls in two technical PCB products and in human adipose tissue
S Jensen, G Sundstrom
Ambio 3 (2), 70-76, 1974
The PCB story
S Jensen
Ambio, 123-131, 1972
Ascorbic acid, alpha-tocopherol, and oregano supplements reduce stress-induced deterioration of chicken meat quality
JF Young, J Stagsted, SK Jensen, AH Karlsson, P Henckel
Poultry science 82 (8), 1343-1351, 2003
Extraction and cleanup methods for analysis of phenolic and neutral organohalogens in plasma
L Hovander, M Athanasiadou, L Asplund, S Jensen, EK Wehler
Journal of analytical toxicology 24 (8), 696-703, 2000
Development of digestive enzymes in pigs with emphasis on lipolytic activity in the stomach and pancreas
MS Jensen, SK Jensen, K Jakobsen
Journal of animal science 75 (2), 437-445, 1997
Diet-and colonization-dependent intestinal dysfunction predisposes to necrotizing enterocolitis in preterm pigs
PT Sangild, RH Siggers, M Schmidt, J Elnif, CR Bjornvad, T Thymann, ...
Gastroenterology 130 (6), 1776-1792, 2006
Inclusion of oxidized vegetable oil in broiler diets. Its influence on nutrient balance and on the antioxidative status of broilers
RM Engberg, C Lauridsen, SK Jensen, K Jakobsen
Poultry science 75 (8), 1003-1011, 1996
Anthropogenic substances in seal from the Baltic: Methyl sulfone metabolites of PCB and DDE
S Jensen, B Jansson
Ambio, 257-260, 1976
The pine needle as a monitor of atmospheric pollution
G Eriksson, S Jensen, H Kylin, W Strachan
Nature 341 (6237), 42-44, 1989
Effects of PCB [polychlorinated biphenyls] and DDT [1, 1, 1-trichloro-2, 2-bis (4-chlorophenyl) ethane] on mink (Mustela vision) during the reproductive season [laboratory …
S Jensen, JE Kihlström, M Olsson, C Lundberg, J Örberg
Ambio 6, 239, 1977
The need for adequate biological sampling in ecotoxicological investigations: a retrospective study of twenty years pollution monitoring
A Bignert, A Göthberg, S Jensen, K Litzén, T Odsjö, M Olsson, ...
Science of the Total Environment 128 (2-3), 121-139, 1993
Muscle glycogen stores and meat quality as affected by strategic finishing feeding of slaughter pigs
K Rosenvold, JS Petersen, HN Læerke, SK Jensen, M Therkildsen, ...
Journal of Animal Science 79 (2), 382-391, 2001
Effects of dietary α-tocopheryl acetate supplementation on α-tocopherol deposition in porcine m. psoas major and m. longissimus dorsi and on drip loss, colour stability and …
C Jensen, J Guider, IM Skovgaar, H Staun, LH Skibsted, SK Jensen, ...
Meat Science 45 (4), 491-500, 1997
DDT and PCB in herring and cod from the Baltic, Kattegat and Skagerrak.
S Jensen, AG Johnels, M Olsson, G Otterlind
Oikos., 230-231, 1973
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