Karolína Dočkalová Burská
Karolína Dočkalová Burská
PhD student at Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University
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Zitiert von
Conceptual model of visual analytics for hands-on cybersecurity training
R Ošlejšek, V Rusňák, K Burská, V Švábenský, J Vykopal, J Čegan
IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 27 (8), 3425-3437, 2020
Timely feedback in unstructured cybersecurity exercises
J Vykopal, R Ošlejšek, K Burská, K Zákopčanová
Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science …, 2018
Visual feedback for players of multi-level capture the flag games: Field usability study
R Ošlejšek, V Rusňák, K Burská, V Švábenský, J Vykopal
2019 IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec), 1-11, 2019
Evaluation of cyber defense exercises using visual analytics process
R Ošlejšek, J Vykopal, K Burská, V Rusňák
2018 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE), 1-9, 2018
Data-driven insight into the puzzle-based cybersecurity training
KD Burská, V Rusňák, R Ošlejšek
Computers & Graphics 102, 441-451, 2022
Towards a unified data storage and generic visualizations in cyber ranges
R Ošlejšek, D Toth, Z Eichler, K Burská
ECCWS 2017 16th European Conference on Cyber Warfare and Security, 298, 2017
Enhancing situational awareness for tutors of Cybersecurity Capture the Flag games
KD Burská, V Rusňák, R Ošlejšek
2021 25th International Conference Information Visualisation (IV), 235-242, 2021
Visual Analytics for Network Security and Critical Infrastructures
K Burská, R Ošlejšek
IFIP International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and …, 2017
Visual analytics in cybersecurity education
K Burská
Ph. D. dissertation, Masaryk University, 2018
Hands-on cybersecurity training behavior data for process mining
R Ošlejšek, M Macák, KD Burská
Data in Brief 52, 109956, 2024
Portlets for the management and visualization of sandboxes in Cybernetic Proving Ground
K Burská
Visual Analytics in Cyber Security
K Burská
Grafický návrh portálu pro Kybernetický polygon a jeho implementace
K Burská
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