Marc Massot
Zitiert von
Zitiert von
Multi-fluid modelling of laminar polydisperse spray flames: origin, assumptions and comparison of sectional and sampling methods
F Laurent, M Massot
Combustion theory and modelling 5 (4), 537-572, 2001
Numerical simulation of spray coalescence in an Eulerian framework: direct quadrature method of moments and multi-fluid method
RO Fox, F Laurent, M Massot
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (6), 3058-3088, 2008
Eulerian multi-fluid modeling for the numerical simulation of coalescence in polydisperse dense liquid sprays
F Laurent, M Massot, P Villedieu
Journal of Computational Physics 194 (2), 505-543, 2004
A robust moment method for evaluation of the disappearance rate of evaporating sprays
M Massot, F Laurent, D Kah, S De Chaisemartin
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 70 (8), 3203-3234, 2010
Solution of population balance equations in applications with fine particles: mathematical modeling and numerical schemes
TT Nguyen, F Laurent, RO Fox, M Massot
Journal of Computational Physics 325, 129-156, 2016
A high order moment method simulating evaporation and advection of a polydisperse liquid spray
D Kah, F Laurent, M Massot, S Jay
Journal of Computational Physics 231 (2), 394-422, 2012
Operator splitting for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems with an entropic structure: singular perturbation and order reduction
S Descombes, M Massot
Numerische Mathematik 97, 667-698, 2004
Kinetic theory of plasmas: translational energy
B Graille, TE Magin, M Massot
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 19 (04), 527-599, 2009
On the anisotropic Gaussian velocity closure for inertial-particle laden flows
A Vié, F Doisneau, M Massot
Communications in Computational Physics 17 (1), 1-46, 2015
Radiation induces turbulence in particle-laden fluids
R Zamansky, F Coletti, M Massot, A Mani
Physics of Fluids 26 (7), 2014
A multi-Gaussian quadrature method of moments for gas-particle flows in a LES framework
C Chalons, RO Fox, M Massot
Proceedings of the Summer Program, 347-358, 2010
Asymptotic stability of equilibrium states for multicomponent reactive flows
V Giovangigli, M Massot
Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 8 (02), 251-297, 1998
Eulerian models for turbulent spray combustion with polydispersity and droplet crossing
S De Chaisemartin, L Fréret, D Kah, F Laurent, RO Fox, J Reveillon, ...
Comptes Rendus. Mécanique 337 (6-7), 438-448, 2009
Multiphase reacting flows: modelling and simulation
DL Marchisio, RO Fox
Springer, 2007
Eulerian quadrature-based moment models for dilute polydisperse evaporating sprays
D Kah, F Laurent, L Fréret, S De Chaisemartin, RO Fox, J Reveillon, ...
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 85, 649-676, 2010
Eulerian multi-fluid models for the simulation of dynamics and coalescence of particles in solid propellant combustion
F Doisneau, F Laurent, A Murrone, J Dupays, M Massot
Journal of Computational Physics 234, 230-262, 2013
New resolution strategy for multiscale reaction waves using time operator splitting, space adaptive multiresolution, and dedicated high order implicit/explicit time integrators
M Duarte, M Massot, S Descombes, C Tenaud, T Dumont, V Louvet, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 34 (1), A76-A104, 2012
Solvability conditions for elliptic problems with non-Fredholm operators
V Volpert, B Ka, M Massot, Z Peradzy
Applicationes Mathematicae 29, 219-238, 2002
Beyond pressureless gas dynamics: quadrature-based velocity moment models
C Chalons, D Kah, M Massot
arXiv preprint arXiv:1011.2974, 2010
Size-velocity correlations in hybrid high order moment/multi-fluid methods for polydisperse evaporating sprays: Modeling and numerical issues
A Vié, F Laurent, M Massot
Journal of Computational Physics 237, 177-210, 2013
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