The human sex ratio from conception to birth SH Orzack, JW Stubblefield, VR Akmaev, P Colls, S Munné, T Scholl, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (16), E2102-E2111, 2015
321 2015 Markov mortality models: implications of quasistationarity and varying initial distributions D Steinsaltz, SN Evans
Theoretical population biology 65 (4), 319-337, 2004
118 2004 Quasistationary distributions for one-dimensional diffusions with killing D Steinsaltz, S Evans
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 359 (3), 1285-1324, 2007
89 2007 Locally contractive iterated function systems D Steinsaltz
Annals of Probability, 1952-1979, 1999
83 1999 Damage segregation at fissioning may increase growth rates: A superprocess model SN Evans, D Steinsaltz
Theoretical population biology 71 (4), 473-490, 2007
79 2007 Understanding mortality rate deceleration and heterogeneity DR Steinsaltz, KW Wachter
Mathematical Population Studies 13 (1), 19-37, 2006
75 2006 The age-specific force of natural selection and biodemographic walls of death KW Wachter, SN Evans, D Steinsaltz
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (25), 10141-10146, 2013
74 * 2013 Quasilimiting behavior for one-dimensional diffusions with killing M Kolb, D Steinsaltz
64 2012 A generalized model of mutation–selection balance with applications to aging D Steinsaltz, SN Evans, KW Wachter
Advances in Applied Mathematics 35 (1), 16-33, 2005
53 2005 A randomised double-blind placebo-controlled trial investigating the behavioural effects of vitamin, mineral and n-3 fatty acid supplementation in typically developing … JD Tammam, D Steinsaltz, DW Bester, T Semb-Andenaes, JF Stein
British Journal of Nutrition 115 (2), 361-373, 2016
46 2016 Survival regression with proper scoring rules and monotonic neural networks D Rindt, R Hu, D Steinsaltz, D Sejdinovic
International conference on artificial intelligence and statistics, 1190-1205, 2022
43 2022 Estimating some features of fitness landscapes SN Evans, D Steinsaltz
The Annals of Applied Probability 12 (4), 1299-1321, 2002
43 2002 The politics of French language in Shakespeare's history plays D Steinsaltz
SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 42 (2), 317-334, 2002
40 2002 On negative heritability and negative estimates of heritability D Steinsaltz, A Dahl, KW Wachter
Genetics 215 (2), 343-357, 2020
38 2020 Evolutionary shaping of demographic schedules KW Wachter, D Steinsaltz, SN Evans
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (supplement_3), 10846-10853, 2014
38 2014 Validated analysis of mortality rates demonstrates distinct genetic mechanisms that influence lifespan K Yen, D Steinsaltz, CV Mobbs
Experimental Gerontology 43 (12), 1044-1051, 2008
31 2008 Linear bounds for stochastic dispersion M Cranston, M Scheutzow, D Steinsaltz
Annals of probability, 1852-1869, 2000
31 2000 Linear expansion of isotropic Brownian flows M Cranston, M Scheutzow, D Steinsaltz
29 1999 Chasing balls through martingale fields M Scheutzow, D Steinsaltz
The Annals of Probability 30 (4), 2046-2080, 2002
28 2002 Re-evaluating a test of the heterogeneity explanation for mortality plateaus D Steinsaltz
Experimental Gerontology 40 (1-2), 101-113, 2005
27 2005