Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Camilo RuizWeitere Informationen
Nicht verfügbar: 5
Validation of a laser driven plasma X-ray microfocus source for high resolution radiography imaging
L Martín, J Benlliure, D Cortina-Gil, A Haruna, C Ruiz
Physica Medica 82, 163-170, 2021
Mandate: Government of Spain
Validation of the radiation shielding for the laser laboratory for acceleration and applications
J Benlliure, D Cortina-Gil, JJ Llerena, C Ruiz
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Tunneling dissociation of and its isotopes in THz laser pulses
ZC Li, C Ruiz, F He
Physical Review A 90 (3), 033421, 2014
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Commissioning of a laser-plasma x-ray micro-focus source for phase contrast imaging
L Martín, J Benlliure, D Cortina, D Gonzales, JJ Llerena, J Peña, C Ruiz
Relativistic Plasma Waves and Particle Beams as Coherent and Incoherent …, 2019
Mandate: Government of Spain
Sources of VUV radiation by high harmonic generation and their characteristics
IJ Sola, C Hernández-García, W Holgado, B Alonso, J San Román, ...
2011 10th Euro-American Workshop on Information Optics, 1-2, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Verfügbar: 29
Binary and recoil collisions in strong field double ionization of helium
A Staudte, C Ruiz, M Schöffler, S Schössler, D Zeidler, T Weber, M Meckel, ...
Physical review letters 99 (26), 263002, 2007
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Tunneling criteria and a nonadiabatic term for strong-field ionization
H Ni, N Eicke, C Ruiz, J Cai, F Oppermann, NI Shvetsov-Shilovski, LW Pi
Physical Review A 98 (1), 013411, 2018
Mandate: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Government of Spain
Table-top laser-based proton acceleration in nanostructured targets
M Blanco, MT Flores-Arias, C Ruiz, M Vranic
New Journal of Physics 19 (3), 033004, 2017
Mandate: Government of Spain
Asymmetry of Wigner's time delay in a small molecule
A Chacon, M Lein, C Ruiz
Physical Review A 89 (5), 053427, 2014
Mandate: Government of Spain
A bremsstrahlung gamma-ray source based on stable ionization injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator
A Döpp, E Guillaume, C Thaury, A Lifschitz, F Sylla, JP Goddet, A Tafzi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Mandate: European Commission
Carrier-envelope-phase characterization for an isolated attosecond pulse by angular streaking
PL He, C Ruiz, F He
Physical Review Letters 116 (20), 203601, 2016
Mandate: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China
Attosecond probing of instantaneous ac Stark shifts in helium atoms
F He, C Ruiz, A Becker, U Thumm
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 44 (21), 211001, 2011
Mandate: Government of Spain
Longitudinal photon-momentum transfer in strong-field double ionization of argon atoms
F Sun, X Chen, W Zhang, J Qiang, H Li, P Lu, X Gong, Q Ji, K Lin, H Li, ...
Physical Review A 101 (2), 021402, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Mapping initial transverse momenta of tunnel-ionized electrons to rescattering double ionization in nondipole regimes
X Chen, C Ruiz, F He, J Zhang
Optics Express 28 (10), 14884-14896, 2020
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Government of Spain
Deep convolutional neural support vector machines for the classification of basal cell carcinoma hyperspectral signatures
LA Courtenay, D González-Aguilera, S Lagüela, SD Pozo, C Ruiz, ...
Journal of clinical medicine 11 (9), 2315, 2022
Mandate: Government of Spain
Improved stability of a compact vacuum-free laser-plasma X-ray source
L Martín, J Benlliure, D Cortina-Gil, J Peñas, C Ruiz
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 8, e18, 2020
Mandate: Government of Spain
Attosecond delay in the molecular photoionization of asymmetric molecules
A Chacón, C Ruiz
Optics Express 26 (4), 4548-4562, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Manipulating Parallel and Perpendicular Multiphoton Transitions in Molecules
S Pan, Z Zhang, L Xu, W Zhang, P Lu, Q Ji, K Lin, L Zhou, C Lu, H Ni, ...
Physical Review Letters 130 (14), 143203, 2023
Mandate: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Optimization of a fast rotating target to produce kHz X-ray pulses from laser-plasma interaction
L Martín, J Benlliure, D Cortina, JJ Llerena, D González, C Ruiz
Journal of physics: conference series 1079 (1), 012008, 2018
Mandate: Government of Spain
Examining the Relationship between the Dimensions of the Climate-Change Competence (C3): Testing for Mediation and Moderation
E Ferrari, F Martínez-Abad, C Ruiz
Sustainability 14 (3), 1895, 2022
Mandate: Government of Spain
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