Camilo Ruiz
Camilo Ruiz
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Binary and recoil collisions in strong field double ionization of helium
A Staudte, C Ruiz, M Schöffler, S Schössler, D Zeidler, T Weber, M Meckel, ...
Physical review letters 99 (26), 263002, 2007
Control of Electron Excitation and Localization in the Dissociation of <?format ?>and Its Isotopes Using Two Sequential Ultrashort Laser Pulses
F He, C Ruiz, A Becker
Physical review letters 99 (8), 083002, 2007
Ab initio Calculation of the Double Ionization of Helium in a Few-Cycle Laser Pulse <?format ?>Beyond the One-Dimensional Approximation
C Ruiz, L Plaja, L Roso, A Becker
Physical review letters 96 (5), 053001, 2006
Absorbing boundaries in numerical solutions of the time-dependent Schrödinger equation on a grid using exterior complex scaling
F He, C Ruiz, A Becker
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (5), 053407, 2007
Tunneling criteria and a nonadiabatic term for strong-field ionization
H Ni, N Eicke, C Ruiz, J Cai, F Oppermann, NI Shvetsov-Shilovski, LW Pi
Physical Review A 98 (1), 013411, 2018
Lithium ionization by a strong laser field
C Ruiz, L Plaja, L Roso
Physical review letters 94 (6), 063002, 2005
Table-top laser-based proton acceleration in nanostructured targets
M Blanco, MT Flores-Arias, C Ruiz, M Vranic
New Journal of Physics 19 (3), 033004, 2017
Descripción de las características psicológicas relacionadas con la salud mental en la situación de emergencia de salud pública originada por el COVID-19
MF Andrade Mayorca, D Campo Vanegas, V Díaz Botero, ...
Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales …, 2020
Nonsequential double ionization of the hydrogen molecule in a few-cycle laser pulse
S Baier, C Ruiz, L Plaja, A Becker
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 74 (3), 033405, 2006
Asymmetry of Wigner's time delay in a small molecule
A Chacon, M Lein, C Ruiz
Physical Review A 89 (5), 053427, 2014
A bremsstrahlung gamma-ray source based on stable ionization injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator
A Döpp, E Guillaume, C Thaury, A Lifschitz, F Sylla, JP Goddet, A Tafzi, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2016
Control of the polarization of attosecond pulses using a two-color field
C Ruiz, DJ Hoffmann, R Torres, LE Chipperfield, JP Marangos
New Journal of Physics 11 (11), 113045, 2009
Observation of spontaneous self-channeling of light in air below the collapse threshold
C Ruiz, J San Roman, C Mendez, V Diaz, L Plaja, I Arias, L Roso
Physical review letters 95 (5), 053905, 2005
Carrier-envelope-phase characterization for an isolated attosecond pulse by angular streaking
PL He, C Ruiz, F He
Physical Review Letters 116 (20), 203601, 2016
Coherent control of electron wave packets in dissociating H+ 2
F He, C Ruiz, A Becker
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 41 (8), 081003, 2008
Double ionization of helium by intense near-infrared and VUV laser pulses
S Chen, C Ruiz, A Becker
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (3), 033426, 2010
Extension of the cut-off in high-harmonic generation using two delayed pulses of the same colour
JA Pérez-Hernández, DJ Hoffmann, A Zaïr, LE Chipperfield, L Plaja, ...
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 42 (13), 134004, 2009
High power vortex generation with volume phase holograms and non-linear experiments in gases
IJ Sola, V Collados, L Plaja, C Méndez, J San Román, C Ruiz, I Arias, ...
Applied Physics B 91, 115-118, 2008
Improvement on social representation of climate change through a knowledge-based MOOC in spanish
E Ferrari, AM Ballegeer, MA Fuertes, P Herrero, L Delgado, D Corrochano, ...
Sustainability 11 (22), 6317, 2019
Augmented reality sandbox: A platform for educative experiences
SÁ Sánchez, LD Martín, MÁ Gimeno-González, T Martín-Garcia, ...
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Technological …, 2016
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