James Etim
James Etim
Professor of Education, Winston Salem State University
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Mobile response system: a novel approach to interactive and hands-on activity in the classroom
M Fuad, D Deb, J Etim, C Gloster
Educational Technology Research and Development 66 (2), 493-514, 2018
Curriculum integration K-12: Theory and practice
JS Etim, J Etim
University Press of America, 2005
The feminization of development processes in Africa: Current and future perspectives
JS Etim, VU James
Bloomsbury Publishing USA, 1999
Teacher effects, student school attendance and student outcomes: Comparing low and high performing schools in North Carolina
JS Etim, AS Etim, ZD Blizard
Educational Research Quarterly 44 (2), 47-81, 2020
Curriculum integration: The why and how
JS Etim
Curriculum integration K-12: Theory and practice, 3-11, 2005
An evidence based learning and teaching strategy for computer science classrooms and its extension into a mobile classroom response system
MM Fuad, D Deb, J Etim
2014 IEEE 14th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2014
Class size and school performance: An analysis of elementary and middle schools
JS Etim, AS Etim, ZD Blizard
International Journal on Studies in Education 2 (2), 66-77, 2020
Teaching effectiveness and attitude to reading of secondary school teachers in Osun State, Nigeria
BI Popoola, YA Ajibade, JS Etim, EO Oloyede, MA Adeleke
The African Symposium 10 (2), 142-154, 2010
Sex role portrayal in 15 YA books used in Nigerian secondary schools
JS Etim
Journal of Reading 31 (5), 452-457, 1988
Introduction to gender studies in eastern and southern Africa: A reader
J Etim
Springer, 2016
Black women writers across cultures: an analysis of their contributions
VU James
(No Title), 2000
The attitude of primary school teachers and headmasters towards the use of some mother tongues as the medium of instruction in primary schools in Plateau State, Nigeria
JS Etim
West African Languages in Education, Vienna: Beitrage Zur Afrikanistik 27, 39-54, 1985
Using interactive exercise in mobile devices to support evidence-based teaching and learning
MM Fuad, D Deb, J Etim, C Gloster
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in …, 2016
Education for sustainable development: The junior secondary school in Nigeria
JS Etim
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 9 (1), 102-117, 2007
Review of Research in secondary reading in Nigeria (1959-1988)
JS Etim
Journal of Reading 34 (2), 84-91, 1990
Education in the Middle Years/Junior Secondary School in USA And Nigeria: A Comparative Analysis
JS Etim
Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa 16 (2), 135-139, 2014
Gender and Achievement in English Language Arts, Science and Mathematics in Secondary Schools in Nigeria.
JS Etim, AS Etim, G Heilman, S Mathiyalakan, E Ntukidem
European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education 4 (2), 186-195, 2016
Education in war affected areas (internally displaced persons communities) in Eastern Sudan
R Gindeel, JS Etim
Journal of Studies in Education 4 (4), 108-121, 2014
Teaching effectiveness and attitude to reading of secondary school teachers in Orun State
BI Popoola, YA Ajibade, JSE Etim
Online journal of the African Educational Research Network 10 (4), 444-456, 2010
Relevance in Nigerian education: patterns, approaches, and strategies
J Etim, O Alaezi
(No Title), 1988
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