Stephan Frisch, MD
Stephan Frisch, MD
Research Fellow, Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Ulm University Medical Center
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Emotion recognition in stroke patients with left and right hemispheric lesion: Results with a new instrument—the FEEL Test
M Braun, HC Traue, S Frisch, RM Deighton, H Kessler
Brain and Cognition 58 (2), 193-201, 2005
Gesundheitsförderung und Krankheitsprävention im betrieblichen Umfeld
S Hartmann, HC Traue
Univ.-Verlag Ulm, 1996
“What About Automated Pain Recognition for Routine Clinical Use?” A Survey of Physicians and Nursing Staff on Expectations, Requirements, and Acceptance
S Walter, S Gruss, S Frisch, J Liter, L Jerg-Bretzke, B Zujalovic, E Barth
Frontiers in medicine 7, 566278, 2020
Multimodale Erkennung von Schmerzintensität und-modalität mit maschinellen Lernverfahren
S Walter, A Al-Hamadi, S Gruss, S Frisch, HC Traue, P Werner
Schmerz, 2020
Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung in Deutschland-Teil 1: Programmangebot und Einfluss betrieblicher Rahmenbedingungen
S Hartmann, HC Traue
Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme) 59 (8-9), 504-511, 1997
Chronische Schmerzsyndrome
B Widder, SAL Frisch
Rehabilitation und Teilhabe. Wegweiser für Ärzte und andere Fachkräfte der …, 2005
From external assessment of pain to automated multimodal measurement of pain intensity: narrative review of state of research and clinical perspectives
S Frisch, P Werner, A Al-Hamadi, HC Traue, S Gruss, S Walter
Der Schmerz 34, 376-387, 2020
Partnership and Emotional Support in the Doctor-Patient Relationship: A Comparison of Patient Preferences from 1996/1997 versus 2018
S Walter, V Hrabal, J Kahle, MA Geibel, S Frisch, L Jerg-Bretzke
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 118 (23), 405, 2021
Multimodal recognition of pain intensity and pain modality with machine learning
S Walter, A Al-Hamadi, S Gruss, S Frisch, HC Traue, P Werner
Der Schmerz 34, 400-409, 2020
Betriebliche Gesundheitsförderung in Deutschland-Teil 2: Prävention von Erkrankungen des Stütz-und Bewegungsapparates
S Hartmann, HC Traue
Das Gesundheitswesen (Stuttgart. Thieme) 59 (11), 619-628, 1997
Evaluation der konservativ-multimodalen Therapie lumbaler radikulärer Schmerzsyndrome
SAL Frisch, B Widder
Psychiatrische Praxis 30 (S 2), 161-166, 2003
The overlooked burden of persistent physical symptoms: a call for action in European healthcare
A Toussaint, A Weigel, B Löwe, J Blanch, K Bogaerts, B Boye, C Burton, ...
The Lancet Regional Health–Europe 48, 2025
Emerging evidence for emotion-focused psychotherapy in patients with somatic symptom disorders and chronic pain
S Frisch, H Gündel
Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 111132, 2022
Autonomous nervous response during sedation in colonoscopy and the relationship with clinician satisfaction
A Hann, S Gruss, S Goetze, N Mehlhase, S Frisch, B Walter, S Walter
Frontiers in Medicine 8, 643158, 2021
Unconscious activation of negative emotional memories increases pain unpleasantness
S Frisch, S Walter, V Rebhann, S Gruss, D Geisel, KJ Bär, H Gündel, ...
Psychosomatic Medicine 86 (7), 580–90, 2024
Fibromyalgia syndrome: considerable pain reduction after moving to a “safe site”
S Frisch, H Guendel, L Jerg-Bretzke, S Walter
Der Schmerz 33, 329-332, 2019
Lumbale Radikulopathien-Zusammenhang zwischen Therapieintensität und Behandlungserfolg?
SAL Frisch, B Widder
Psychiatrische Praxis 31 (S 1), 149-151, 2004
How patients' preferences lead to early termination of a randomised trial comparing surgical and non-surgical treatment in patients with sciatica and herniated lumbar disc
SAL Frisch, B Widder, HC Traue, T Kohlmann, AM Schleyer, C Bux, ...
Journal of Neurology 251, 143-143, 2004
Unconscious negative emotions influence pain experience: Experimental evidence and sex differences in healthy samples
S Frisch, S Walter, M Ismail, M Jarczok, KJ Bär, RD Lane, R Smith, ...
Journal of Psychosomatic Research 169, 111264, 2023
Suppressed negative emotional memories increase pain unpleasantness in female adults - an experimental study
S Frisch, S Walter, V Rebhann, S Gruss, KJ Baer, H Guendel, RD Lane, ...
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