Antje Kirchner
Antje Kirchner
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Measuring the predictability of life outcomes with a scientific mass collaboration
MJ Salganik, I Lundberg, AT Kindel, CE Ahearn, K Al-Ghoneim, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (15), 8398-8403, 2020
Assessing the mechanisms of misreporting to filter questions in surveys
S Eckman, F Kreuter, A Kirchner, A Jäckle, R Tourangeau, S Presser
Public Opinion Quarterly 78 (3), 721-733, 2014
An introduction to machine learning methods for survey researchers
TD Buskirk, A Kirchner, A Eck, CS Signorino
Survey Practice 11 (1), 2018
Item sum: a new technique for asking quantitative sensitive questions
M Trappmann, I Krumpal, A Kirchner, B Jann
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 2 (1), 58-77, 2014
Crafting tolerance: The role of political institutions in a comparative perspective
A Kirchner, M Freitag, C Rapp
European Political Science Review 3 (2), 201-227, 2011
Evaluating the quality of survey and administrative data with generalized multitrait-multimethod models
DL Oberski, A Kirchner, S Eckman, F Kreuter
Journal of the American Statistical Association 112 (520), 1477-1489, 2017
Social capital and unemployment: A macro-quantitative analysis of the European regions
M Freitag, A Kirchner
Political studies 59 (2), 389-410, 2011
Political parties and higher education spending: Who favours redistribution?
C Rauh, A Kirchner, R Kappe
West European Politics 34 (6), 1185-1206, 2011
Big Data meets survey science: A collection of innovative methods
CA Hill, PP Biemer, TD Buskirk, L Japec, A Kirchner, S Kolenikov, ...
John Wiley & Sons, 2020
The effect of survey mode on data quality: Disentangling nonresponse and measurement error bias
B Felderer, A Kirchner, F Kreuter
Journal of Official Statistics 35 (1), 93-115, 2019
Using support vector machines for survey research
A Kirchner, CS Signorino
Survey Practice 11 (1), 2018
Using LASSO to model interactions and nonlinearities in survey data
CS Signorino, A Kirchner
Surv. Pract 11 (1), 1-10, 2018
Measuring and Explaining Undeclared Work in Germany-An Empirical Survey with a Special Focus on Social Desirability Bias
A Kirchner, I Krumpal, M Trappmann, H von Hermanni
Zeitschrift fur Soziologie 42 (4), 291-314, 2013
Do interviewer postsurvey evaluations of respondents’ engagement measure who respondents are or what they do? A behavior coding study
A Kirchner, K Olson, JD Smyth
Public Opinion Quarterly 81 (4), 817-846, 2017
Exploring new statistical frontiers at the intersection of survey science and Big Data: Convergence at “Bigsurv18.”
CA Hill, PP Biemer, TD Buskirk, M Callegaro, AL Córdova Cazar, A Eck, ...
Survey research methods 13 (1), 2019
Hamidreza Omidvar, Andrew Or, Karen Ouyang, Katy M
MJ Salganik, I Lundberg, AT Kindel, CE Ahearn, K Al-Ghoneim, ...
Validating sensitive questions: A comparison of survey and register data
A Kirchner
Journal of Official Statistics 31 (1), 31-59, 2015
Examining changes of interview length over the course of the field period
A Kirchner, K Olson
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 5 (1), 84-108, 2017
Hermanni Hv (2013): Messung und Erklärung von Schwarzarbeit in Deutschland-eine empirische Befragungsstudie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Problems der sozialen …
A Kirchner, I Krumpal, M Trappmann
Zeitschrift für Soziologie 42 (4), 23, 0
Do interviewers with high cooperation rates behave differently? Interviewer cooperation rates and interview behaviors
K Olson, A Kirchner, J Smyth
Survey practice 9 (2), 2016
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