Hynek Wichterle
Hynek Wichterle
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Induced pluripotent stem cells generated from patients with ALS can be differentiated into motor neurons
JT Dimos, KT Rodolfa, KK Niakan, LM Weisenthal, H Mitsumoto, W Chung, ...
science 321 (5893), 1218-1221, 2008
Directed differentiation of embryonic stem cells into motor neurons
H Wichterle, I Lieberam, JA Porter, TM Jessell
Cell 110 (3), 385-397, 2002
Astrocytes expressing ALS-linked mutated SOD1 release factors selectively toxic to motor neurons
M Nagai, DB Re, T Nagata, A Chalazonitis, TM Jessell, H Wichterle, ...
Nature neuroscience 10 (5), 615-622, 2007
New neurons follow the flow of cerebrospinal fluid in the adult brain
K Sawamoto, H Wichterle, O Gonzalez-Perez, JA Cholfin, M Yamada, ...
Science 311 (5761), 629-632, 2006
In utero fate mapping reveals distinct migratory pathways and fates of neurons born in the mammalian basal forebrain
H Wichterle, DH Turnbull, S Nery, G Fishell, A Alvarez-Buylla
Development 128 (19), 3759-3771, 2001
Architecture and cell types of the adult subventricular zone: in search of the stem cells
JM García‐Verdugo, F Doetsch, H Wichterle, DA Lim, A Alvarez‐Buylla
Journal of neurobiology 36 (2), 234-248, 1998
A functionally characterized test set of human induced pluripotent stem cells
GL Boulting, E Kiskinis, GF Croft, MW Amoroso, DH Oakley, BJ Wainger, ...
Nature biotechnology 29 (3), 279-286, 2011
Small-molecule modulators of Hedgehog signaling: identification and characterization of Smoothened agonists and antagonists
M Frank-Kamenetsky, XM Zhang, S Bottega, O Guicherit, H Wichterle, ...
Journal of biology 1, 1-19, 2002
Young neurons from medial ganglionic eminence disperse in adult and embryonic brain
H Wichterle, JM Garcia-Verdugo, DG Herrera, A Alvarez-Buylla
Nature neuroscience 2 (5), 461-466, 1999
Direct evidence for homotypic, glia-independent neuronal migration
H Wichterle, JM García-Verdugo, A Alvarez-Buylla
Neuron 18 (5), 779-791, 1997
Necroptosis drives motor neuron death in models of both sporadic and familial ALS
DB Re, V Le Verche, C Yu, MW Amoroso, KA Politi, S Phani, B Ikiz, ...
Neuron 81 (5), 1001-1008, 2014
An alternative splicing switch regulates embryonic stem cell pluripotency and reprogramming
M Gabut, P Samavarchi-Tehrani, X Wang, V Slobodeniuc, D O'Hanlon, ...
Cell 147 (1), 132-146, 2011
A requirement for retinoic acid-mediated transcriptional activation in ventral neural patterning and motor neuron specification
BG Novitch, H Wichterle, TM Jessell, S Sockanathan
Neuron 40 (1), 81-95, 2003
Sonic hedgehog contributes to oligodendrocyte specification in the mammalian forebrain
S Nery, H Wichterle, G Fishell
Development 128 (4), 527-540, 2001
Identification of a small molecule inhibitor of the hedgehog signaling pathway: effects on basal cell carcinoma-like lesions
JA Williams, OM Guicherit, BI Zaharian, Y Xu, L Chai, H Wichterle, C Kon, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (8), 4616-4621, 2003
Modeling ALS with motor neurons derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells
S Sances, LI Bruijn, S Chandran, K Eggan, R Ho, JR Klim, MR Livesey, ...
Nature neuroscience 19 (4), 542-553, 2016
Accelerated high-yield generation of limb-innervating motor neurons from human stem cells
MW Amoroso, GF Croft, DJ Williams, S O'Keeffe, MA Carrasco, AR Davis, ...
Journal of Neuroscience 33 (2), 574-586, 2013
Functional properties of motoneurons derived from mouse embryonic stem cells
GB Miles, DC Yohn, H Wichterle, TM Jessell, VF Rafuse, RM Brownstone
Journal of Neuroscience 24 (36), 7848-7858, 2004
Multiprotein complexes of the survival of motor neuron protein SMN with Gemins traffic to neuronal processes and growth cones of motor neurons
H Zhang, L Xing, W Rossoll, H Wichterle, RH Singer, GJ Bassell
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (33), 8622-8632, 2006
Synergistic binding of transcription factors to cell-specific enhancers programs motor neuron identity
EO Mazzoni, S Mahony, M Closser, CA Morrison, S Nedelec, DJ Williams, ...
Nature neuroscience 16 (9), 1219-1227, 2013
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