Mark Gerard Healy PhD, DEng
Mark Gerard Healy PhD, DEng
Professor, University of Galway
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Microplastics in sewage sludge: effects of treatment
AM Mahon, B O’Connell, MG Healy, I O’Connor, R Officer, R Nash, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 51 (2), 810-818, 2017
Treatment of dairy wastewater using constructed wetlands and intermittent sand filters
MG Healy, M Rodgers, J Mulqueen
Bioresource technology 98 (12), 2268-2281, 2007
Impact of biochar addition to soil on greenhouse gas emissions following pig manure application
SM Troy, PG Lawlor, CJ O'Flynn, MG Healy
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 60, 173-181, 2013
Management of landfill leachate: The legacy of European Union Directives
RB Brennan, MG Healy, L Morrison, S Hynes, D Norton, E Clifford
Waste management 55, 355-363, 2016
Nitrate removal rate, efficiency and pollution swapping potential of different organic carbon media in laboratory denitrification bioreactors
MG Healy, TG Ibrahim, GJ Lanigan, AJ Serrenho, O Fenton
Ecological Engineering 40, 198-209, 2012
Characterization of compost produced from separated pig manure and a variety of bulking agents at low initial C/N ratios
T Nolan, SM Troy, MG Healy, W Kwapinski, JJ Leahy, PG Lawlor
Bioresource technology 102 (14), 7131-7138, 2011
The role of wet wipes and sanitary towels as a source of white microplastic fibres in the marine environment
OÓ Briain, ARM Mendes, S McCarron, MG Healy, L Morrison
Water Research 182, 116021, 2020
Long-term partial nitrification in an intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor (SBR) treating ammonium-rich wastewater under controlled oxygen-limited conditions
J Li, D Elliott, M Nielsen, MG Healy, X Zhan
Biochemical Engineering Journal 55 (3), 215-222, 2011
Surface clogging in an intermittent stratified sand filter
M Rodgers, J Mulqueen, MG Healy
Soil Science Society of America Journal 68 (6), 1827-1832, 2004
Treatment of landfill leachate in municipal wastewater treatment plants and impacts on effluent ammonium concentrations
RB Brennan, E Clifford, C Devroedt, L Morrison, MG Healy
Journal of environmental management 188, 64-72, 2017
Nutrient processing capacity of a constructed wetland in western Ireland
M Healy, AM Cawley
Journal of Environmental Quality 31 (5), 1739-1747, 2002
Catalytic potential of selected metal ions for bioleaching, and potential techno-economic and environmental issues: A critical review
A Pathak, L Morrison, MG Healy
Bioresource technology 229, 211-221, 2017
Nutrient removal from slaughterhouse wastewater in an intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactor
JP Li, MG Healy, XM Zhan, M Rodgers
Bioresource Technology 99 (16), 7644-7650, 2008
The potential for the use of waste products from a variety of sectors in water treatment processes
MA Grace, E Clifford, MG Healy
Journal of cleaner production 137, 788-802, 2016
Enhancement of bauxite residue as a low-cost adsorbent for phosphorus in aqueous solution, using seawater and gypsum treatments
PB Cusack, MG Healy, PC Ryan, IT Burke, LMT O'Donoghue, É Ujaczki, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 179, 217-224, 2018
Mitigation of ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from stored cattle slurry using acidifiers and chemical amendments
I Kavanagh, W Burchill, MG Healy, O Fenton, DJ Krol, GJ Lanigan
Journal of Cleaner Production 237, 117822, 2019
Effect of aeration rate on nutrient removal from slaughterhouse wastewater in intermittently aerated sequencing batch reactors
J Li, MG Healy, X Zhan, D Norton, M Rodgers
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 192, 251-261, 2008
Dairy processing sludge and co-products: A review of present and future re-use pathways in agriculture
W Shi, MG Healy, SM Ashekuzzaman, K Daly, JJ Leahy, O Fenton
Journal of Cleaner Production 314, 128035, 2021
Factors affecting nitrate distribution in shallow groundwater under a beef farm in South Eastern Ireland
O Fenton, KG Richards, L Kirwan, MI Khalil, MG Healy
Journal of Environmental Management 90 (10), 3135-3146, 2009
Organic carbon removal and nitrification of high strength wastewaters using stratified sand filters
M Rodgers, MG Healy, J Mulqueen
Water Research 39 (14), 3279-3286, 2005
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