Andre Maximo
Andre Maximo
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Multidimensional-data-organization method
LCPR Velho, ADA Maximo, MPS Dos Reis
US Patent App. 13/805,641, 2013
GPU-efficient recursive filtering and summed-area tables
D Nehab, A Maximo, RS Lima, H Hoppe
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 30 (6), 1-12, 2011
Introduction to GPU Programming with GLSL
R Marroquim, A Maximo
2009 Tutorials of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and …, 2009
Real-time terrain modeling using CPU: GPU coupled computation
A Bernhardt, A Maximo, L Velho, H Hnaidi, MP Cani
ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Posters, 1-1, 2011
A robust and rotationally invariant local surface descriptor with applications to non-local mesh processing
A Maximo, R Patro, A Varshney, R Farias
Graphical Models 73 (5), 231-242, 2011
Hardware‐Assisted Projected Tetrahedra
A Maximo, R Marroquim, R Farias
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (3), 903-912, 2010
Volume and Isosurface Rendering with GPU‐Accelerated Cell Projection
R Marroquim, A Maximo, R Farias, C Esperança
Computer Graphics Forum 27 (1), 24-35, 2008
GPU-based cell projection for interactive volume rendering
R Marroquim, A Maximo, R Farias, C Esperança
Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 2006. SIBGRAPI'06. 19th Brazilian …, 2006
Memory Efficient GPU-Based Ray Casting for Unstructured Volume Rendering.
A Maximo, S Ribeiro, C Bentes, AAF Oliveira, RC Farias
VG/PBG@ SIGGRAPH, 155-162, 2008
Memory-aware and efficient ray-casting algorithm
S Ribeiro, A Maximo, C Bentes, A Oliveira, R Farias
XX Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI …, 2007
Workflow optimization
JF Dias, A Ciarlini, RD Pinho, V Gottin, A Maximo, E Pacheco, D Holmes, ...
US Patent 11,315,014, 2022
Database system and methods for domain-tailored detection of outliers, patterns, and events in data streams
JF Dias, DS Bruno, A de Almeida Maximo, AB Prado, VM Gottin, M Barros
US Patent 10,409,817, 2019
Distribution content-aware compression and decompression of data
RT de Abreu Pinho, AEM Ciarlini, LGO Dos Santos, EJP Condori, ...
US Patent 10,169,359, 2019
Parallel recursive filtering of infinite input extensions
D Nehab, A Maximo
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (6), 1-13, 2016
Adaptive multi-chart and multiresolution mesh representation
A Maximo, L Velho, M Siqueira
Computers & Graphics 38 (0), 332-340, 2014
Irregular grid raycasting implementation on the cell broadband engine
G Cox, A Máximo, C Bentes, R Farias
2009 21st International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High …, 2009
Recommending features for content planning based on advertiser polling and historical audience measurements
V Bursztyn, JF Dias, A de Almeida Maximo, AB Prado, RDA Senra
US Patent 10,448,120, 2019
Methods and apparatus for classifying and discovering historical and future operational states based on Boolean and numerical sensor data
A de Almeida Maximo
US Patent 10,810,508, 2020
Massively parallel processing (MPP) large-scale combination of time series data
AEM Ciarlini, JF Dias, A de Almeida Maximo, VM Gottin, M Barros
US Patent 10,339,235, 2019
Unleashing the power of the playstation 3 to boost graphics programming
A Maximo, G Cox, C Bentes, R Farias
2009 Tutorials of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and …, 2009
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