MYM Al-Abbad  Murtatha Al-Abbad
MYM Al-Abbad Murtatha Al-Abbad
Basra University Invertebrate professor at Biology department College of Education for pure
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New records of Pristina proboscidea and P. aequiseta (Oligochaeta: Naididae) from Iraq
MY Al-Abbad
Marsh Bulletin 5 (2), 132-142, 2010
New Records of Twelve species of Oligochaeta (Naididae and Aeolosomatidae) from the Southern Iraqi Marshes, Iraq.
MYM Al-Abbad
Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences 5 (2), 2012
New records of two species of oligochaetes (Naididae): Pristina longiseta and P. macrochaeta from Iraq, with notes on their morphology and reproduction
MYM Al-Abbad, SH Al-Mayah
Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Sciences 25 (2), 166-175, 2010
Biodiversity of the macroinvertebrates in the southern Iraqi marshes, with a special reference to oligochaeta
MY Al-Abbad, SD Salman, IH Al-Qarooni
Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences 7 (1), 61-71, 2015
Identification and Biology of the species Chaetogaster limnaei von Baer 1827 (Oligochaeta: Naididae) Isolated from some Basrah marshes snails in the south of Iraq
MYM Al-Abbad
Ph. D. thesis, Basrah Univ, 2009
Larval development of the caridean shrimp Exopalaemon styliferus (H. Milne Edwards, 1840)(Decapoda, Caridea, Palaemonidae) from the south of Iraq reared in the laboratory
MY Al-Abbad, SH Al-Mayah, MH ALI, SD Salman
Turkish Journal of Zoology 32 (4), 397-406, 2008
Pterotricha esyunini Zamani, 2018 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae), a new record for Iraqi spiders
GAA Al-Yacoub, MYM Al-Abbad, DK Kareem
Serket 18 (1), 31-35, 2021
Cercarial production of Lymnaea auricularia experimentally infected with different number of Fasciola gigantica miracidia. Mar
SH Al-Mayah, AA Al-Ali, MY Al-Abbad
Meso 20, 1-6, 2005
First record of Pterotricha kovblyuki Zamani & Marusik, 2018 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae) from Iraq
GAA Al-Yacoub, MYM Al-Abbad, DK Kareem
Serket 18 (2), 186-190, 2021
Study of the growth, reproductive biology and abundance for invasive shrimps Palaemon elegans Rathke from Garmat Ali river Basrah, Southern Iraq
KK Al-Khafaji, IH Al Qarooni, MY Al Abbad, NMA Al-Lateef
Journal of Coastal Life Medicine 4 (7), 536-540, 2016
Addition of four new records of Naidid (Oligochaeta) to the Iraqi fauna
MYM Al-Abbad
Mesopotamian Journal of Marine Sciences 29 (2), 137-144, 2014
Genus Zelotes Gistel, 1848 (Araneae: Gnaphosidae), a new record from Iraq.
GAA Al-Yacoub, MYM Al-Abbad
Serket 18 (3), 2022
First record of the invasive apple snail Pomacea canaliculata (Lamarck, 1822)(Gastropoda: Ampullariidae) in Shatt Al-Arab River, Southern Iraq with some ecological aspects
MY Al-Abbad, HA Hamzah, RZ Khalaf
Marsh Bulletin 10 (2), 92-101, 2015
First record of the blue mussel Mytilus edulis (Linnaeus, 1758) in Shatt Al-Arab River, Basrah, Iraq
AN Okash, MY Al-Abbad, NS Hammadi
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 15 (4), 1675-1679, 2022
Survey and identification of centipedes (Arthropoda-Chilopoda) from Basrah Province–southern of Iraq
JA Al-Simary, MY Al-Abbad, IH Al-Qarooni
Annals of forest research 65 (1), 1568-1583, 2022
Redescription of Scorpio kruglovi (Birula, 1910)(Scorpiones, Scorpionidae) from Thi Qar province, south of Iraq
GAA Al-Yacoub, MYM Al-Abbad, DK Kareem
Bulletin of the Iraq Natural History Museum (P-ISSN: 1017-8678, E-ISSN: 2311 …, 2021
First record of the spider Artema atlanta Walckenaer, 1837 (Araneae: Pholcidae) from Iraq, with references to some its biological aspects
MYM Al-Abbad, SH Al-Mayah, AMA Al-Abody
International Journal of Biosciences 14 (2), 498-502, 2019
New data on the wolf spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae) of Iraq
AM Al-Khazali, MYM Al-Abbad, AA Fomichev, HS Kachel
Ecologica Montenegrina 67, 101-116, 2023
The first record of insect Podura aquatica L.(Collembola, Isotomidae) in southern Iraq with some environmental parameters effect on its density
AN Okash, NS Hammadi, MY Al-Abbad
Aquaculture, Aquarium, Conservation & Legislation 15 (5), 2693-2700, 2022
The effect of some environmental factors on the abundance and distribution of annelid worms from Shatt Al-Arab, Basra, southern Iraq
HB Abed, MY Al-Abbad, IH Al-Qarooni
Iraqi Journal of Aquaculture 19 (1), 15-32, 2022
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