Jessica Dehler Zufferey
Jessica Dehler Zufferey
EPFL, Center for Learning Sciences
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Group awareness in CSCL environments
D Bodemer, J Dehler
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (3), 1043-1045, 2011
Guiding knowledge communication in CSCL via group knowledge awareness
J Dehler, D Bodemer, J Buder, FW Hesse
Computers in Human Behavior 27 (3), 1068-1078, 2011
Knowledge awareness in CSCL: A psychological perspective
T Engelmann, J Dehler, D Bodemer, J Buder
Computers in Human Behavior 25 (4), 949-960, 2009
The ‘Erfahrraum’: a pedagogical model for designing educational technologies in dual vocational systems
BA Schwendimann, AAP Cattaneo, J Dehler Zufferey, JL Gurtner, ...
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 67 (3), 367-396, 2015
Partner knowledge awareness in knowledge communication: Learning by adapting to the partner
J Dehler Zufferey, D Bodemer, J Buder, FW Hesse
The Journal of Experimental Education 79 (1), 102-125, 2010
A computer science and robotics integration model for primary school: evaluation of a large-scale in-service K-4 teacher-training program
L El-Hamamsy, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, B Bruno, D Roy, T Cahlikova, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26 (3), 2445-2475, 2021
An integrated way of using a tangible user interface in a classroom
S Cuendet, J Dehler-Zufferey, G Ortoleva, P Dillenbourg
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning 10, 183-208, 2015
The competent Computational Thinking Test: Development and Validation of an Unplugged Computational Thinking Test for Upper Primary School
L El-Hamamsy, M Zapata-Cáceres, EM Barroso, F Mondada, JD Zufferey, ...
Journal of Educational Computing Research, 07356331221081753, 2022
Assessing computational thinking: Development and validation of the Algorithmic Thinking Test for adults
M Lafuente Martínez, O Lévêque, I Benítez, C Hardebolle, JD Zufferey
Journal of Educational Computing Research 60 (6), 1436-1463, 2022
Mobile and online learning journal: Effects on apprentices’ reflection in vocational education and training
L Mauroux, KD Könings, JD Zufferey, JL Gurtner
Vocations and Learning 7 (2), 215-239, 2014
Providing group knowledge awareness in computer-supported collaborative learning: Insights into learning mechanisms
J Dehler, D Bodemer, J Buder, FW Hesse
Research and Practice in Technology Enhanced Learning 4 (02), 111-132, 2009
The symbiotic relationship between educational robotics and computer science in formal education
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, F Chessel-Lazzarotto, M Chevalier, D Roy, ...
Education and Information Technologies 26 (5), 5077-5107, 2021
Writing reflective learning journals: Promoting the use of learning strategies and supporting the development of professional skills
L Mauroux, JD Zufferey, E Rodondi, A Cattaneo, E Motta, JL Gurtner
Writing for professional development, 107-128, 2016
A study of carpenter apprentices’ spatial skills
S Cuendet, J Dehler-Zufferey, C Arn, E Bumbacher, P Dillenbourg
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training 6 (1), 1-16, 2014
A study of carpenter apprentices’ spatial skills: Sebastien Cuendet, Jessica Dehler-Zufferey, Christoph Arn…[et al.]
S Cuendet, J Dehler-Zufferey, C Arn
Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training, 2014
How are primary school computer science curricular reforms contributing to equity? Impact on student learning, perception of the discipline, and gender gaps
L El-Hamamsy, B Bruno, C Audrin, M Chevalier, S Avry, JD Zufferey, ...
International Journal of STEM Education 10 (1), 60, 2023
Comparing the psychometric properties of two primary school Computational Thinking (CT) assessments for grades 3 and 4: The Beginners' CT test (BCTt) and the competent CT test …
L El-Hamamsy, M Zapata-Cáceres, P Marcelino, B Bruno, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 1082659, 2022
Fostering audience design of computer-mediated knowledge communication by knowledge mirroring
J Dehler, D Bodemer
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc., 2007
From teacher to teacher-trainer: A qualitative study exploring factors contributing to a successful train-the-trainer digital education program
EC Monnier, S Avry, L El-Hamamsy, C Pulfrey, C Caneva, F Mondada, ...
Social Sciences & Humanities Open 8 (1), 100518, 2023
Teaching Transversal Skills in the Engineering Curriculum: the Need to Raise the Temperature
H Kovacs, J Delisle, M Mekhaiel, J Dehler Zufferey, R Tormey, ...
SEFI 48th Annual Conference: Engaging Engineering Education. Proceedings …, 2020
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