Muhammad Mahmood-ul-Hassan
Muhammad Mahmood-ul-Hassan
Land Resources Research Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan
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Phytoremediation potential of Lemna minor L. for heavy metals
SH Bokhari, I Ahmad, M Mahmood-Ul-Hassan, A Mohammad
International journal of phytoremediation 18 (1), 25-32, 2016
Metal tolerance potential of filamentous fungi isolated from soils irrigated with untreated municipal effluent
S Akhtar, M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, R Ahmad, V Suthor, M Yasin
Soil Environ 32 (1), 55-62, 2013
Removal of Cd, Cr, and Pb from aqueous solution by unmodified and modified agricultural wastes
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, V Suthor, E Rafique, M Yasin
Environmental monitoring and assessment 187, 1-8, 2015
Kinetics of cadmium, chromium, and lead sorption onto chemically modified sugarcane bagasse and wheat straw
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, V Suthar, E Rafique, R Ahmad, M Yasin
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 187, 1-11, 2015
EDTA-enhanced phytoremediation of contaminated calcareous soils: heavy metal bioavailability, extractability, and uptake by maize and sesbania
V Suthar, KS Memon, M Mahmood-ul-Hassan
Environmental monitoring and assessment 186, 3957-3968, 2014
Potato tuber yield and quality as affected by rates and sources of potassium fertilizer
MZ Khan, ME Akhtar, M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, MM Mahmood, MN Safdar
Journal of plant nutrition 35 (5), 664-677, 2012
Kinetics, isotherms, and thermodynamic studies of lead, chromium, and cadmium bio-adsorption from aqueous solution onto Picea smithiana sawdust
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, M Yasin, M Yousra, R Ahmad, S Sarwar
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25, 12570-12578, 2018
The influences of Cr-tolerant rhizobacteria in phytoremediation and attenuation of Cr (VI) stress in agronomic sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.)
MMH Ali Bahadura, Rizwan Ahmadc, Aftab Afzala, Huyuan Fenge, Vishandas ...
Chemosphere, 179 179, 112–119, 2017
Nutrient balances as affected by integrated nutrient and crop residue management in cotton-wheat system in Aridisols. I. Nitrogen
E Rafique, M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, A Rashid, MF Chaudhary
Journal of plant nutrition 35 (4), 591-616, 2012
Water transmission properties as affected by cropping and tillage systems
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, PJ Gregory
Pakistan Journal of Soil Science (Pakistan) 16 (1-2), 1999
Dynamics of water movement on Chalkland
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, PJ Gregory
Journal of Hydrology 257 (1-4), 27-41, 2002
Physical and hydraulic properties of aridisols as affected by nutrient and crop-residue management in a cotton-wheat system
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, E Rafique, A Rashid
Acta Scientiarum. Agronomy 35, 127-137, 2013
Zinc application affects tissue zinc concentration and seed yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.)
E Rafique, M Yousra, M Mahmood-Ul-Hassan, S Sarwar, T Tabassam, ...
Pedosphere 25 (2), 275-281, 2015
Assessment of physicochemical parameters of wastewater samples. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
I Shazia, SKI Ahmad, T Tabassam, V Suthar, M Mahmood-ul-Hassan
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 185 (3), 2503-2515, 2013
Heavy-metal phytoextraction potential of spinach and mustard grown in contaminated calcareous soils
V Suthar, M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, KS Memon, E Rafique
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 44 (18), 2757-2770, 2013
Phosphorus requirement of corn and sunflower grown on calcareous soils of Pakistan
M Mahmood‐ul‐Hassan, A Rashid, MS Akhtar
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 24 (13-14), 1529-1541, 1993
Heavy metals phytoextraction – natural and EDTA assisted remediation of contaminated calcareous soils by sorghum and oat
MY Mahmood-ul-Hassan, M., V. Suthar, R. Ahmad
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 189, 2017
Boron and zinc transport through intact columns of calcareous soils
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, MS Akhtar, G Nabi
Pedosphere 18 (4), 524-532, 2008
Biosorption of metal ions on lignocellulosic materials: batch and continuous-flow process studies
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, V Suthar, R Ahmad, M Yousra
Environmental monitoring and assessment 190, 1-13, 2018
Metal contamination of vegetables grown on soils irrigated with untreated municipal effluent
M Mahmood-ul-Hassan, V Suthor, E Rafique, R Ahmad, M Yasin
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 88, 204-209, 2012
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