Michael Lavigne
Michael Lavigne
Research Scientist, Atlantic Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Natural Resources Canada
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Annual carbon cost of autotrophic respiration in boreal forest ecosystems in relation to species and climate
MG Ryan, MB Lavigne, ST Gower
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D24), 28871-28883, 1997
Comparing nocturnal eddy covariance measurements to estimates of ecosystem respiration made by scaling chamber measurements at six coniferous boreal sites
MB Lavigne, MG Ryan, DE Anderson, DD Baldocchi, PM Crill, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D24), 28977-28985, 1997
Growth and maintenance respiration rates of aspen, black spruce and jack pine stems at northern and southern BOREAS sites
MB Lavigne, MG Ryan
Tree Physiology 17 (8-9), 543-551, 1997
Factors controlling the decline of net primary production with stand age for balsam fir in Newfoundland assessed using an ecosystem simulation model
ER Hunt Jr, MB Lavigne, SE Franklin
Ecological Modelling 122 (3), 151-164, 1999
Change detection and landscape structure mapping using remote sensing
SE Franklin, MB Lavigne, MA Wulder, GB Stenhouse
The Forestry Chronicle 78 (5), 618-625, 2002
Effects of soil moisture manipulations on fine root dynamics in a mature balsam fir (Abies balsamea L. Mill.) forest
J Olesinski, MB Lavigne, MJ Krasowski
Tree physiology 31 (3), 339-348, 2011
Component respiration, ecosystem respiration and net primary production of a mature black spruce forest in northern Quebec
S Hermle, MB Lavigne, PY Bernier, O Bergeron, D Paré
Tree Physiology 30 (4), 527-540, 2010
Large-area forest structure change detection: An example
SE Franklin, MB Lavigne, MA Wulder, TM McCaffrey
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 28 (4), 588-592, 2002
Introduction: structure, function, and change of forest landscapes
J Linke, MG Betts, MB Lavigne, SE Franklin
Understanding forest disturbance and spatial pattern: Remote sensing and GIS …, 2007
Fine-root dynamics change during stand development and in response to thinning in balsam fir (Abies balsamea L. Mill.) forests
J Olesinski, MB Lavigne, JA Kershaw Jr, MJ Krasowski
Forest ecology and management 286, 48-58, 2012
Evaluating annual spruce budworm defoliation using change detection of vegetation indices calculated from satellite hyperspectral imagery
SD Donovan, DA MacLean, Y Zhang, MB Lavigne, JA Kershaw
Remote Sensing of Environment 253, 112204, 2021
Restricted lateral gas movement in Pinus strobus branches
L Eklund, MB Lavigne
Trees 10, 83-85, 1995
Comparison of approaches for estimating individual tree height–diameter relationships in the Acadian forest region
C MacPhee, JA Kershaw, AR Weiskittel, J Golding, MB Lavigne
Forestry: An International Journal of Forest Research 91 (1), 132-146, 2018
Mineral soil carbon and nitrogen still low three decades following clearcut harvesting in a typical Acadian Forest stand
D Prest, L Kellman, MB Lavigne
Geoderma 214, 62-69, 2014
Predicting the number of trees in small diameter classes using predictions from a two-parameter Weibull distribution
E Mcgarrigle, JA Kershaw Jr, MB Lavigne, AR Weiskittel, M Ducey
Forestry 84 (4), 431-439, 2011
Climate change experiment suggests divergent responses of tree seedlings in eastern North America’s Acadian Forest Region over the 21st century
WR Vaughn, AR Taylor, DA MacLean, L D’Orangeville, MB Lavigne
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (12), 1888-1902, 2021
Sensitivity of the Landsat enhanced wetness difference index (EWDI) to temporal resolution
SE Franklin, CB Jagielko, MB Lavigne
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 31 (2), 149-152, 2005
Growth responses of the balsam fir and black spruce spacing trials.
MB Karsh, MB Lavigne, JG Donnelly
Fine root production varies with climate in balsam fir (Abies balsamea)
J Olesinski, MJ Krasowski, MB Lavigne, JA Kershaw Jr, PY Bernier
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42 (2), 364-374, 2012
Tree mass equations for common species of Newfoundland.
MB Lavigne
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