Cyril Vienne
Cyril Vienne
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Effect of the accommodation-vergence conflict on vergence eye movements
C Vienne, L Sorin, L Blondé, Q Huynh-Thu, P Mamassian
Vision research 100, 124-133, 2014
Depth perception in virtual reality systems: effect of screen distance, environment richness and display factors
C Vienne, S Masfrand, C Bourdin, JL Vercher
IEEE Access 8, 29099-29110, 2020
Space boundaries in schizophrenia
Y Delevoye-Turrell, C Vienne, Y Coello
Social Psychology, 2011
The role of vertical disparity in distance and depth perception as revealed by different stereo-camera configurations
C Vienne, J Plantier, P Neveu, AE Priot
i-Perception 7 (6), 2041669516681308, 2016
(Disparity-driven) Accommodation response contributes to perceived depth
C Vienne, J Plantier, P Neveu, AE Priot
Frontiers in Neuroscience 12, 973, 2018
Depth-of-focus affects 3d perception in stereoscopic displays
C Vienne, L Blondé, P Mamassian
Perception 44 (6), 613-627, 2015
Visual fatigue versus eye-movements
C Vienne, L Blondé, D Doyen
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII 8288, 361-371, 2012
The initial effects of hyperstereopsis on visual perception in helicopter pilots flying with see-through helmet-mounted displays
AE Priot, A Vacher, C Vienne, P Neveu, C Roumes
Displays 51, 1-8, 2018
Device, method and computer program for 3D rendering
L Blonde, C Vienne, T Huynh-thu
US Patent 10,075,700, 2018
Method and device for correcting distortion errors due to accommodation effect in stereoscopic display
C Vienne, L Blonde, D Doyen
US Patent 10,110,872, 2018
Visual storytelling in 2D and stereoscopic 3D video: effect of blur on visual attention
Q Huynh-Thu, C Vienne, L Blondé
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVIII 8651, 241-252, 2013
Perceived rigidity in motion-in-depth increases with contour perspective
C Vienne, L Blondé, P Mamassian
Perception 43 (6), 481-498, 2014
Perception of stereo at different vergence distances: implications for realism
C Vienne, P Mamassian, D Doyen, L Blondé
2012 International Conference on 3D Imaging (IC3D), 1-8, 2012
Understanding and Improving the Quality of Experience in 3D media perception: Accommodation/Vergence conflict in Stereopsis
C Vienne
Université René Descartes-Paris V, 2013
Method and simulation to study 3D crosstalk perception
D Khaustova, L Blondé, Q Huynh-Thu, C Vienne, D Doyen
Stereoscopic Displays and Applications XXIII 8288, 296-311, 2012
Eye movements during vergence effort in stereoscopic ocular pursuit task and their relations to visual fatigue and stereopsis
C Vienne, L Blondé, D Doyen, P Mamassian
Journal of Vision 11 (11), 325-325, 2011
Reliance on Vergence and Size Cues in Action-Based Distance Estimates
AE Priot, CA Salasc, P Neveu, C Vienne
PERCEPTION 48, 199-199, 2019
The Effect of A-Priori Size on Different Reach-to-Grasp Movements
J Plantier, AE Priot, C Vienne
PERCEPTION 48, 122-122, 2019
The Effect of Screen Orientation on Depth Perception and a Comparison Between Virtual Reality Systems
C Vienne, V Honnet, S Masfrand, C Bourdin, JL Vercher
41st European Conference onVisual Perception (ECVP) 2018 Trieste, 2018
Vergence dynamics in stereoscopic displays are related to fusional reserves
AE Priot, C Vienne, B Saussard, J Plantier, P Neveu
PERCEPTION 45, 115-116, 2016
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