Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Amjad KhanWeitere Informationen
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Group affinity weakly supervised segmentation from prior selected tissue in colorectal histopathology images
HG Nguyen, A Khan, H Dawson, A Lugli, I Zlobec
Medical Imaging 2022: Digital and Computational Pathology 12039, 234-241, 2022
Mandate: Swiss Cancer Foundation
Verfügbar: 7
Staining invariant features for improving generalization of deep convolutional neural networks in computational pathology
S Otálora, M Atzori, V Andrearczyk, A Khan, H Müller
Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 7, 198, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
Computer-Assisted Diagnosis of Lymph Node Metastases in Colorectal Cancers Using Transfer Learning With an Ensemble Model
A Khan, N Brouwer, A Blank, F Müller, D Soldini, A Noske, E Gaus, ...
Modern pathology 36 (5), 100118, 2023
Mandate: Swiss Cancer Foundation
Systematic comparison of deep learning strategies for weakly supervised Gleason grading
S Otálora, M Atzori, A Khan, O Jimenez-del-Toro, V Andrearczyk, H Müller
Medical Imaging 2020: Digital Pathology 11320, 142-149, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Impact of scanner variability on lymph node segmentation in computational pathology
A Khan, A Janowczyk, F Müller, A Blank, HG Nguyen, C Abbet, L Studer, ...
Journal of Pathology Informatics 13, 100127, 2022
Mandate: US National Institutes of Health, Swiss Cancer Foundation
Generalizing convolution neural networks on stain color heterogeneous data for computational pathology
A Khan, M Atzori, S Otálora, V Andrearczyk, H Müller
Medical Imaging 2020: Digital Pathology 11320, 173-186, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Local and global feature aggregation for accurate epithelial cell classification using graph attention mechanisms in histopathology images
AL Frei, A Khan, L Studer, PI Zens, A Lugli, A Fischer, I Zlobec
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
GammaFocus: An image augmentation method to focus model attention for classification
AL Frei, A Khan, PI Zens, A Lugli, I Zlobec, A Fischer
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
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