Markus Hollaus
Markus Hollaus
Senior Scientist, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien)
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3D vegetation mapping using small‐footprint full‐waveform airborne laser scanners
W Wagner, M Hollaus, C Briese, V Ducic
International Journal of Remote Sensing 29 (5), 1433-1452, 2008
Flood detection from multi-temporal SAR data using harmonic analysis and change detection
S Schlaffer, P Matgen, M Hollaus, W Wagner
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 38, 15-24, 2015
A benchmark of lidar-based single tree detection methods using heterogeneous forest data from the alpine space
L Eysn, M Hollaus, E Lindberg, F Berger, JM Monnet, M Dalponte, ...
Forests 6 (5), 1721-1747, 2015
Urban vegetation detection using radiometrically calibrated small-footprint full-waveform airborne LiDAR data
B Höfle, M Hollaus, J Hagenauer
ISPRS Journal of photogrammetry and remote sensing 67, 134-147, 2012
Accuracy of large-scale canopy heights derived from LiDAR data under operational constraints in a complex alpine environment
M Hollaus, W Wagner, C Eberhöfer, W Karel
ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 60 (5), 323-338, 2006
Object-based point cloud analysis of full-waveform airborne laser scanning data for urban vegetation classification
M Rutzinger, B Höfle, M Hollaus, N Pfeifer
Sensors 8 (8), 4505-4528, 2008
Airborne laser scanning of forest stem volume in a mountainous environment
M Hollaus, W Wagner, B Maier, K Schadauer
Sensors 7 (8), 1559-1577, 2007
Integrating earth observation and GIScience for high resolution spatial and functional modeling of urban land use
C Aubrecht, K Steinnocher, M Hollaus, W Wagner
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 33 (1), 15-25, 2009
Terrestrial structure from motion photogrammetry for deriving forest inventory data
L Piermattei, W Karel, D Wang, M Wieser, M Mokroš, P Surový, M Koreň, ...
Remote Sensing 11 (8), 950, 2019
A case study of UAS borne laser scanning for measurement of tree stem diameter
M Wieser, G Mandlburger, M Hollaus, J Otepka, P Glira, N Pfeifer
Remote Sensing 9 (11), 1154, 2017
Growing stock estimation for alpine forests in Austria: a robust lidar-based approach
M Hollaus, W Wagner, K Schadauer, B Maier, K Gabler
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 39 (7), 1387-1400, 2009
Forest delineation based on airborne LIDAR data
L Eysn, M Hollaus, K Schadauer, N Pfeifer
Remote Sensing 4 (3), 762-783, 2012
Comparison of methods for estimation of stem volume, stem number and basal area from airborne laser scanning data in a hemi-boreal forest
E Lindberg, M Hollaus
Remote Sensing 4 (4), 1004-1023, 2012
Tree species classification based on full-waveform airborne laser scanning data
M Hollaus, W Mücke, B Höfle, W Dorigo, N Pfeifer, W Wagner, ...
Proceedings of SILVILASER, 54-62, 2009
Delineation of tree crowns and tree species classification from full-waveform airborne laser scanning data using 3-D ellipsoidal clustering
E Lindberg, L Eysn, M Hollaus, J Holmgren, N Pfeifer
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2014
3D vegetation mapping and classification using full-waveform laser scanning
V Ducic, M Hollaus, A Ullrich, W Wagner, T Melzer
na, 2006
Airborne laser scanning and usefulness for hydrological models
M Hollaus, W Wagner, K Kraus
Advances in geosciences 5, 57-63, 2005
Annual seasonality in Sentinel-1 signal for forest mapping and forest type classification
A Dostálová, W Wagner, M Milenković, M Hollaus
International Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (21), 7738-7760, 2018
Detection of fallen trees in forested areas using small footprint airborne laser scanning data
W Mücke, B Deák, A Schroiff, M Hollaus, N Pfeifer
Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 39 (sup1), S32-S40, 2013
Operational wide-area stem volume estimation based on airborne laser scanning and national forest inventory data
M Hollaus, W Dorigo, W Wagner, K Schadauer, B Höfle, B Maier
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (19), 5159-5175, 2009
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