Francesco Niglia
Francesco Niglia
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Information and communication technologies and public participation: interactive maps and value added for citizens
D Gagliardi, L Schina, ML Sarcinella, G Mangialardi, F Niglia, A Corallo
Government Information Quarterly 34 (1), 153-166, 2017
Evaluation and design of innovation policies in the agro-food sector: An application of multilevel self-regulating agents
D Gagliardi, F Niglia, C Battistella
Technological Forecasting and Social Change 85, 40-57, 2014
New technologies and digitisation: Opportunities and challenges for the social economy and social enterprises
D Gagliardi, F Psarra, R Wintjes, K Trendafili, JP Mendoza, S Turkeli, ...
European Commission, 2020
How ICTs shape the relationship between the State and the citizens: Exploring new paradigms between civic engagement and social innovation
D Gagliardi, G Misuraca, F Niglia, G Pasi
Civic engagement innovation: How ICTs shape the relationship between state and citizens
D Gagliardia, F Niglia, G Misuraca, G Pasi
Perspectives for Digital Social Innovation to Reshape the European Welfare …, 2021
Exploring the impact of innovation policies in economic environments with self-regulating agents in multi-level complex systems
F Niglia, D Gagliardi, C Battistella
Information Systems: Crossroads for Organization, Management, Accounting and …, 2012
An user-centric check of the available e-government services in Europe
A Gugliotta, F Niglia, L Schina
13th European Conference on eGovernment ECEG 2013, 230-239, 2013
Measuring user-centricity in AI-enabled European public services: A proposal for enabling maturity models
F Niglia, L Tangi
Research handbook on public management and artificial intelligence, 97-117, 2024
Digital technologies and the social economy: New technologies and digitisation: opportunities and challenges for the social economy and social enterprises.
D Gagliardi, D Cox
Building the user centricity within the NET-EUCEN network
In eChallenges e-2011 Conference Proceedings, Paul Cunningham and Miriam …, 2011
An Innovation Model for the Analysis of the Role of Gender Equality, Privacy and Engagement of in Smart Factories’ Ecosystem
F Ferri, N Dwyer, S Raicevich, P Grifoni, H Altiok, HT Andersen, Y Laouris, ...
Responsible Research and Innovation Actions in Science Education, Gender and …, 2018
A survey about user-centricity adoption in Europe
F Niglia, L Schina
Digital Governance: From local data to European policies, 178, 2013
Citizen Centric Governance for Smart Territories
F Niglia
People Centered Smart Territories: Design, Learning and Analytics, 2013
Use of multi-level self-regulating agents to evaluate the impact of innovation policies in socio-economic environments
D Gagliardi, C Battistella, F Niglia
Proceedings of the IM2012 (International Conference on Innovative Methods …, 2012
Use of multi-level self-regulating agents to evaluate the impact of innovation policy for the agro-food sector in the Region of Puglia, Italy
D Gagliardi, F Niglia, C Battistella
Openloc Working Papers, 2012
Project Acronym: WISE UP
A Martin, F Niglia
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