Mike Just
Mike Just
Sonstige NamenMichael Just, MK Just, M Just
Associate Professor, Computer Science, Heriot-Watt University
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Authenticated multi-party key agreement
M Just, S Vaudenay
Advances in Cryptology—ASIACRYPT'96, 36-49, 1996
Apparatus and method for reducing transmission bandwidth and storage requirements in a cryptographic security system
MK Just, P Van Oorschot
US Patent 6,567,914, 2003
Personal choice and challenge questions: a security and usability assessment
M Just, D Aspinall
Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security, 1-11, 2009
Data Driven Authentication: On the Effectiveness of User Behaviour Modelling with Mobile Device Sensors
HG Kayacık, M Just, L Baillie, D Aspinall, N Micallef
IEEE Security & Privacy Workshop on Mobile Security Technologies (MoST), 2014
Resisting malicious packet dropping in wireless ad hoc networks
M Just, E Kranakis, T Wan
Ad-Hoc, Mobile, and Wireless Networks, 151-163, 2003
Designing and evaluating challenge-question systems
M Just
IEEE Security & Privacy 2 (5), 32-39, 2004
What’s in a Name: Evaluating Statistical Attacks Against Personal Knowledge Questions
GM Joseph Bonneau, Mike Just
Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2010. 6052, 98-113, 2010
Selecting revocation solutions for PKI
A Arnes
5th Nordic Workshop on Secure IT Systems (NORDSEC 2000), 2000
IoTDevID: A Behavior-Based Device Identification Method for the IoT
K Kostas, M Just, MA Lones
IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022
Investigating time series visualisations to improve the user experience
M Adnan, M Just, L Baillie
ACM CHI, 2016
Why aren’t Users Using Protection? Investigating the Usability of Smartphone Locking
N Micallef, M Just, L Baillie, M Halvey, HG Kayacik
MobileHCI, 2015
On key distribution via true broadcasting
M Just, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, P Van Oorschot
Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications …, 1994
Some Timestamping Protocol Failures.
M Just
NDSS 98, 89-96, 1998
Designing authentication systems with challenge questions
M Just
Security and Usability: Designing Secure Systems That People Can Use, 143-155, 2005
Challenging challenge questions: an experimental analysis of authentication technologies and user behaviour
M Just, D Aspinall
Policy & Internet 2 (1), 99-115, 2010
Pictures or questions? Examining user responses to association-based authentication
K Renaud, M Just
Proceedings of HCI 2010, 2010
A review of amplification-based distributed denial of service attacks and their mitigation
S Ismail, HR Hassen, M Just, H Zantout
Computers & Security 109, 102380, 2021
M. Nystrom," Securely Available Credentials-Credential Server Framework,"
D Gustafson, M Just
RFC 3760, April, 2004
Stop annoying me! an empirical investigation of the usability of app privacy notifications
N Micallef, M Just, L Baillie, M Alharby
Proceedings of the 29th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2017
PKI: Ten years later
C Adams, M Just
3rd Annual PKI R&D Workshop, 69-84, 2004
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