Wiktoria Glad
Wiktoria Glad
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Housing renovation and energy systems: the need for social learning
W Glad
Building Research & Information 40 (3), 274-289, 2012
User involvement in Swedish residential building projects: a stakeholder perspective
J Eriksson, W Glad, M Johansson
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment 30, 313-329, 2015
Tvärvetenskaplig analys av lågenergihusen i Lindås Park, Göteborg
T Boström, W Glad
Arbetsnotat nr 25 Program Energisystem, Feb 2003,, 2003
Tensions and opportunities: an activity theory perspective on date and storage label design through a literature review and co-creation sessions
W Chu, H Williams, K Verghese, R Wever, W Glad
Sustainability 12 (3), 1162, 2020
Aktiviteter för passivhus En innovations omformning i byggprocesser för energisnåla bostadshus
W Glad
PQDT-Global, 2006
Ten years of energy efficiency—Exploring the progress of barriers and drivers in the swedish residential and services sector
S Blomqvist, W Glad, P Rohdin
Energy Reports 8, 14726-14740, 2022
Spaces for waste: Everyday recycling and sociospatial relationships
W Glad
Scottish Geographical Journal 134 (3-4), 141-157, 2018
Energy systems in sustainability-profiled districts in Sweden: A literature review and a socio-technical ecology approach for future research
J van der Leer, A Calvén, W Glad, P Femenías, K Sernhed
Energy Research & Social Science 101, 103118, 2023
Tvärvetenskaplig analys av lågenergihusen i Lindås Park
T Boström, W Glad, C Isaksson, F Karlsson, ML Persson, A Werner
Göteborg, Arbetsnotat 25, 2003
Aktiviteter för passivhus
W Glad
En innovations omformning i byggprocesser för, 2006
Lokala och globala mål för hållbarhet
W Glad
Liber, 2019
The design of energy efficient everyday practices
W Glad
eceee 2015 Summer Study on Energy Efficiency 3, 1611-1619, 2015
Understanding context change: An activity theoretical analysis of exchange students’ food consumption
W Chu, P Steenstra, W Glad, R Wever
Proceedings of the NordDesign: Design in the Era of Digitalization, NordDesign, 2018
Visualizing thermal comfort in residential passive house designs
K Vrotsou, W Glad
Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM International Conference on Future Energy …, 2021
A meta-synthesis of the use of activity theory in design for sustainable behaviour
W Chu, W Glad, R Wever
Design Science 7, e17, 2021
User activity matters: an activity theory informed design toolkit for sustainable behavior design
W Chu, W Glad, R Wever
EcoDesign and Sustainability II: Social Perspectives and Sustainability …, 2020
Relational materialism in passive house designs–mundane work and tinkering in Vallastaden’s low energy buildings
W Glad, M Gramfält
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 588 (2), 022053, 2020
The Vallastaden model: alternative urban governance and energy system designs
W Glad, M Gramfält
eceee Summer Study, Presqu'île de Giens, France, 3–8 June 2019, 2019
Energy Visualization–Why, What & How?
TSS Neset, W Glad
Edited by: Tina Neset, Jimmy Johansson and Björn-Ola Linnér, 19, 2009
Individuell mätning: mjuk reglering för minskad energianvändning i hyreslägenheter
W Glad
Carlsson, 2008
Das System kann den Vorgang jetzt nicht ausführen. Versuchen Sie es später erneut.
Artikel 1–20