Arthur Forer
Arthur Forer
York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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Evidence for four classes of microtubules in individual cells
O Behnke, A Forer
Journal of Cell Science 2 (2), 169-192, 1967
Local reduction of spindle fiber birefringence in living Nephrotoma suturalis (Loew) spermatocytes induced by ultraviolet microbeam irradiation
A Forer
Journal of Cell Biology 25 (1), 95-117, 1965
Contractile proteins: major components of nuclear and chromosome non-histone proteins
WM Lestourgeon, A Forer, JS Bertram, HP Rusch
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Protein Structure 379 (2), 529-552, 1975
From megakaryocytes to platelets: platelet morphogenesis takes place in the bloodstream
O Behnke, A Forer
European Journal of Haematology 60 (S61), 3-23, 1998
Characterization of the mitotic traction system, and evidence that birefringent spindle fibers neither produce nor transmit force for chromosome movement
A Forer
Chromosoma 19 (1), 44-98, 1966
An actin-like component in spermatocytes of a crane fly (Nephrotoma suturalis Loew) I. The spindle
A Forer, O Behnke
Chromosoma 39 (2), 145-173, 1972
Cytochalasin B: does it affect actin-like filaments?
A Forer, J Emmersem, O Behnke
Science 175 (4023), 774-776, 1972
Traction fibre: toward a “tensegral” model of the spindle
JD Pickett‐Heaps, A Forer, T Spurck
Cell motility and the Cytoskeleton 37 (1), 1-6, 1997
Biological Sciences: Actin in Sperm Tails and Meiotic Spindles
O Behnke, A Forer, J Emmersen
Nature 234 (5329), 408-410, 1971
Cytochalasin D and latrunculin affect chromosome behaviour during meiosis in crane-fly spermatocytes
A Forer, JD Pickett-Heaps
Chromosome research 6, 533-550, 1998
Possible roles of microtubules and actin-like filaments during cell-division
A Forer
Cell cycle controls, 319-336, 1974
Chromosome movements during cell-division
A Forer
The mitotic apparatus: structural changes after isolation
RE Kane, A Forer
The Journal of Cell Biology 25 (3), 31-39, 1965
Phospholipase C and myosin light chain kinase inhibition define a common step in actin regulation during cytokinesis
R Wong, L Fabian, A Forer, JA Brill
BMC cell biology 8, 1-10, 2007
Evidence that actin and myosin are involved in the poleward flux of tubulin in metaphase kinetochore microtubules of crane-fly spermatocytes
RV Silverman-Gavrila, A Forer
Journal of cell science 113 (4), 597-609, 2000
Some aspects of microtubules in spermatocyte meiosis in a crane fly (Nephrotoma suturalis Loew): Intranuclear and intrachromosomal microtubules
O Behnke, A Forer
Comptes-rendus des travaux du Laboratoire Carlsberg 35 (19), 437-455, 1966
Actin in spindles of Haemanthus Katherinae endosperm : II. distribution of actin in chromosomal spindle fibres, determined by analysis of serial sections
A Forer, WT Jackson, A Engberg
Journal of Cell Science 37 (1), 349-371, 1979
Actin filaments in the endosperm mitotic spindles in a higher plant, Haemanthus katherinae Baker
A Forer, J WT
Do nuclear envelope and intranuclear proteins reorganize during mitosis to form an elastic, hydrogel-like spindle matrix?
KM Johansen, A Forer, C Yao, J Girton, J Johansen
Chromosome research 19, 345-365, 2011
Calyculin A, an enhancer of myosin, speeds up anaphase chromosome movement
L Fabian, J Troscianczuk, A Forer
Cell & chromosome 6, 1-17, 2007
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