Amadou Bâ
Amadou Bâ
Université des Antilles- Département de biologie
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Global assessment of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus diversity reveals very low endemism
J Davison, M Moora, M Öpik, A Adholeya, L Ainsaar, A Bâ, S Burla, ...
Science 349 (6251), 970-973, 2015
Photosynthetic Bradyrhizobia Are Natural Endophytes of the African Wild Rice Oryza breviligulata
C Chaintreuil, E Giraud, Y Prin, J Lorquin, A Bâ, M Gillis, P De Lajudie, ...
Applied and environmental microbiology 66 (12), 5437-5447, 2000
Functional compatibility of two arbuscular mycorrhizae with thirteen fruit trees in Senegal
AM Ba, C Plenchette, P Danthu, R Duponnois, T Guissou
Agroforestry Systems 50 (2), 95-105, 2000
Ectomycorrhizal symbiosis of tropical African trees
AM Bâ, R Duponnois, B Moyersoen, AG Diédhiou
Mycorrhiza 22 (1), 1-29, 2012
Growth stimulation of seventeen fallow leguminous plants inoculated with< i> Glomus aggregatum</i> in Senegal
R Duponnois, C Plenchette, AM Bâ
European journal of soil biology 37 (3), 181-186, 2001
Materializing the promises of cognitive IoT: How cognitive buildings are shaping the way
J Ploennigs, A Ba, M Barry
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 5 (4), 2367-2374, 2017
Use of mycorrhizal inoculation to improve reafforestation process with Australian< i> Acacia</i> in Sahelian ecozones
R Duponnois, C Plenchette, Y Prin, M Ducousso, M Kisa, AM Bâ, ...
Ecological engineering 29 (1), 105-112, 2007
Beneficial effects of Enterobacter cloacae and Pseudomonas mendocina for biocontrol of Meloidogyne incognita with the endospore-forming bacterium Pasteuria penetrans
R Duponnois, AM Ba, T Mateille
NEMATOLOGY-LEIDEN- 1, 95-102, 1999
Tailoring seasonal time series models to forecast short-term water demand
E Arandia, A Ba, B Eck, S McKenna
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142 (3), 04015067, 2016
< i> Pisum sativum</i> mutants insensitive to nodulation are also insensitive to invasion in vitro by the mycorrhizal fungus,< i> Gigaspora margarita</i>
B Balaji, AM Ba, TA LaRue, D Tepfer, Y Piché
Plant Science 102 (2), 195-203, 1994
Occurrence of nodulation in unexplored leguminous trees native to the West African tropical rainforest and inoculation response of native species useful in reforestation
M Diabate, A Munive, SM De Faria, A Ba, B Dreyfus, A Galiana
New Phytologist 166 (1), 231-239, 2005
Ectomycorrhizal fungal communities of Coccoloba uvifera (L.) L. mature trees and seedlings in the neotropical coastal forests of Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles)
S Séne, R Avril, C Chaintreuil, A Geoffroy, C Ndiaye, AG Diédhiou, ...
Mycorrhiza 25 (7), 547-559, 2015
Arbuscular mycorrhizal soil infectivity in a stand of the wetland tree< i> Pterocarpus officinalis</i> along a salinity gradient
L Saint-Etienne, S Paul, D Imbert, M Dulormne, F Muller, A Toribio, ...
Forest ecology and management 232 (1), 86-89, 2006
Growth stimulation of< i> Acacia mangium</i> Willd by< i> Pisolithus</i> sp. in some Senegalese soils
R Duponnois, AM Bâ
Forest ecology and management 119 (1), 209-215, 1999
Responses of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) Benth, Tamarindus indica L. and Zizyphus mauritiana Lam. To arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a phosphorus-deficient sandy soil
T Guissou, AM Ba, JM Ouadba, S Guinko, R Duponnois
Biology and fertility of soils 26 (3), 194-198, 1998
Adaptive learning of smoothing functions: Application to electricity load forecasting
A Ba, M Sinn, Y Goude, P Pompey
Advances in neural information processing systems 25, 2012
An application of 3D model reconstruction and augmented reality for real-time monitoring of additive manufacturing
A Malik, H Lhachemi, J Ploennigs, A Ba, R Shorten
Procedia Cirp 81, 346-351, 2019
Effects of some rhizosphere bacteria for the biocontrol of nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne with Arthrobotrys oligospora
R Duponnois, AM Ba, T Mateille
Fundamental and Applied Nematology 21 (2), 157-163, 1998
Genetic diversity and gene flow in a Caribbean tree Pterocarpus officinalis Jacq.: a study based on chloroplast and nuclear microsatellites
F Muller, M Voccia, A Bâ, JM Bouvet
Genetica 135, 185-198, 2009
Les champignons ectomycorhiziens des arbres forestiers en Afrique de l'Ouest: méthodes d'étude, diversité, écologie, utilisation en foresterie et comestibilité
A Bâ, M Diabaté, B Dreyfus
IRD éditions, 2011
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