Elizabeth Page-Gould
Elizabeth Page-Gould
University of Toronto, Department of Psychology
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With a little help from my cross-group friend: reducing anxiety in intergroup contexts through cross-group friendship.
E Page-Gould, R Mendoza-Denton, LR Tropp
Journal of personality and social psychology 95 (5), 1080, 2008
The extended contact hypothesis: A meta-analysis on 20 years of research
S Zhou, E Page-Gould, A Aron, A Moyer, M Hewstone
Personality and Social Psychology Review 23 (2), 132-160, 2019
How can intergroup interaction be bad if intergroup contact is good? Exploring and reconciling an apparent paradox in the science of intergroup relations
CC MacInnis, E Page-Gould
Perspectives on Psychological Science 10 (3), 307-327, 2015
Can cross-group friendships influence minority students' well-being at historically white universities?
R Mendoza-Denton, E Page-Gould
Psychological Science 19 (9), 933-939, 2008
When every day is a high school reunion: Social media comparisons and self-esteem.
C Midgley, S Thai, P Lockwood, C Kovacheff, E Page-Gould
Journal of personality and social psychology 121 (2), 285, 2021
Understanding the impact of cross-group friendship on interactions with novel outgroup members.
E Page-Gould, R Mendoza-Denton, JM Alegre, JO Siy
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 98 (5), 775, 2010
Seek help from teachers or fight back? Student perceptions of teachers’ actions during conflicts and responses to peer victimization
MJ Aceves, SP Hinshaw, R Mendoza-Denton, E Page-Gould
Journal of youth and adolescence 39, 658-669, 2010
Are we more moral than we think? Exploring the role of affect in moral behavior and moral forecasting
R Teper, M Inzlicht, E Page-Gould
Psychological Science 22 (4), 553-558, 2011
Intergroup contact research in the 21st century: Lessons learned and forward progress if we remain open
S Paolini, FA White, LR Tropp, RN Turner, E Page‐Gould, FK Barlow, ...
Journal of Social Issues 77 (1), 11-37, 2021
Intergroup contact facilitates physiological recovery following stressful intergroup interactions
E Page-Gould, WB Mendes, B Major
Journal of experimental social psychology 46 (5), 854-858, 2010
Mechanisms for coping with status-based rejection expectations
R Mendoza-Denton, E Page-Gould, J Pietrzak
Stigma and group inequality, 165-184, 2006
ExperienceSampler: An open-source scaffold for building smartphone apps for experience sampling.
S Thai, E Page-Gould
Psychological Methods 23 (4), 729, 2018
Wanting to stay and wanting to go: Unpacking the content and structure of relationship stay/leave decision processes
S Joel, G MacDonald, E Page-Gould
Social Psychological and Personality Science 9 (6), 631-644, 2018
Stress and coping in interracial contexts: The influence of race‐based rejection sensitivity and cross‐group friendship in daily experiences of health
E Page‐Gould, R Mendoza‐Denton, WB Mendes
Journal of Social Issues 70 (2), 256-278, 2014
Personality× hormone interactions in adolescent externalizing psychopathology.
JL Tackett, K Herzhoff, KP Harden, E Page-Gould, RA Josephs
Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment 5 (3), 235, 2014
Using multilevel models for the analysis of event-related potentials
HI Volpert-Esmond, E Page-Gould, BD Bartholow
International Journal of Psychophysiology 162, 145-156, 2021
Multilevel modeling.
E Page-Gould
Cambridge University Press, 2017
Contagious anxiety: Anxious European Americans can transmit their physiological reactivity to African Americans
TV West, K Koslov, E Page-Gould, B Major, WB Mendes
Psychological science 28 (12), 1796-1806, 2017
Listen to your heart: when false somatic feedback shapes moral behavior.
J Gu, CB Zhong, E Page-Gould
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 142 (2), 307, 2013
He said what? Physiological and cognitive responses to imagining and witnessing outgroup racism.
F Karmali, K Kawakami, E Page-Gould
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146 (8), 1073, 2017
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