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EXAFS analysis of arsenite adsorption onto two-line ferrihydrite, hematite, goethite, and lepidocrocite
G Ona-Nguema, G Morin, F Juillot, G Calas, GE Brown
Environmental science & technology 39 (23), 9147-9155, 2005
XAFS determination of the chemical form of lead in smelter-contaminated soils and mine tailings: Importance of adsorption processes
G Morin, JD Ostergren, F Juillot, P Ildefonse, G Calas, GE Brown
American Mineralogist 84 (3), 420-434, 1999
Bacterial formation of tooeleite and mixed arsenic (III) or arsenic (V)− iron (III) gels in the Carnoulès acid mine drainage, France. A XANES, XRD, and SEM study
G Morin, F Juillot, C Casiot, O Bruneel, JC Personné, F Elbaz-Poulichet, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 37 (9), 1705-1712, 2003
Bacterial immobilization and oxidation of arsenic in acid mine drainage (Carnoulès creek, France)
C Casiot, G Morin, F Juillot, O Bruneel, JC Personné, M Leblanc, ...
Water Research 37 (12), 2929-2936, 2003
Zn isotopic fractionation caused by sorption on goethite and 2-Lines ferrihydrite
F Juillot, C Maréchal, M Ponthieu, S Cacaly, G Morin, M Benedetti, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (19), 4886-4900, 2008
XANES Evidence for Rapid Arsenic(III) Oxidation at Magnetite and Ferrihydrite Surfaces by Dissolved O2 via Fe2+-Mediated Reactions
G Ona-Nguema, G Morin, Y Wang, AL Foster, F Juillot, G Calas, ...
Environmental science & technology 44 (14), 5416-5422, 2010
XANES evidence for oxidation of Cr (III) to Cr (VI) by Mn-oxides in a lateritic regolith developed on serpentinized ultramafic rocks of New Caledonia
D Fandeur, F Juillot, G Morin, L Olivi, A Cognigni, SM Webb, JP Ambrosi, ...
Environmental science & technology 43 (19), 7384-7390, 2009
Zinc isotopic fractionation: why organic matters
D Jouvin, P Louvat, F Juillot, CN Maréchal, MF Benedetti
Environmental science & technology 43 (15), 5747-5754, 2009
Metal ion binding to iron oxides
M Ponthieu, F Juillot, T Hiemstra, WH Van Riemsdijk, MF Benedetti
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 70 (11), 2679-2698, 2006
Remobilization of arsenic from buried wastes at an industrial site: mineralogical and geochemical control
F Juillot, P Ildefonse, G Morin, G Calas, AM De Kersabiec, M Benedetti
Applied Geochemistry 14 (8), 1031-1048, 1999
XAS evidence of As (V) association with iron oxyhydroxides in a contaminated soil at a former arsenical pesticide processing plant
B Cances, F Juillot, G Morin, V Laperche, L Alvarez, O Proux, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 39 (24), 9398-9405, 2005
Occurrence of Zn/Al hydrotalcite in smelter-impacted soils from northern France: Evidence from EXAFS spectroscopy and chemical extractions
F Juillot, G Morin, P Ildefonse, TP Trainor, M Benedetti, L Galoisy, G Calas, ...
American Mineralogist 88 (4), 509-526, 2003
Arsenite sorption at the magnetite–water interface during aqueous precipitation of magnetite: EXAFS evidence for a new arsenite surface complex
Y Wang, G Morin, G Ona-Nguema, N Menguy, F Juillot, E Aubry, F Guyot, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 72 (11), 2573-2586, 2008
Extended X-ray absorption fine structure analysis of arsenite and arsenate adsorption on maghemite
G Morin, G Ona-Nguema, Y Wang, N Menguy, F Juillot, O Proux, F Guyot, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 42 (7), 2361-2366, 2008
Distinctive arsenic (V) trapping modes by magnetite nanoparticles induced by different sorption processes
Y Wang, G Morin, G Ona-Nguema, F Juillot, G Calas, GE Brown Jr
Environmental science & technology 45 (17), 7258-7266, 2011
Arsenite sequestration at the surface of nano-Fe (OH) 2, ferrous-carbonate hydroxide, and green-rust after bioreduction of arsenic-sorbed lepidocrocite by Shewanella putrefaciens
G Ona-Nguema, G Morin, Y Wang, N Menguy, F Juillot, L Olivi, G Aquilanti, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 (5), 1359-1381, 2009
Ni speciation in a New Caledonian lateritic regolith: A quantitative X-ray absorption spectroscopy investigation
G Dublet, F Juillot, G Morin, E Fritsch, D Fandeur, G Ona-Nguema, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 95, 119-133, 2012
Contrasting isotopic signatures between anthropogenic and geogenic Zn and evidence for post-depositional fractionation processes in smelter-impacted soils from Northern France
F Juillot, C Maréchal, G Morin, D Jouvin, S Cacaly, P Telouk, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 75 (9), 2295-2308, 2011
Rare earth elements as tracers of pedogenetic processes
C Laveuf, S Cornu, F Juillot
Comptes Rendus Geoscience 340 (8), 523-532, 2008
Structure and reactivity of As (III)-and As (V)-rich schwertmannites and amorphous ferric arsenate sulfate from the Carnoulès acid mine drainage, France: Comparison with biotic …
F Maillot, G Morin, F Juillot, O Bruneel, C Casiot, G Ona-Nguema, Y Wang, ...
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 104, 310-329, 2013
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