Quan Huynh-Thu
Quan Huynh-Thu
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Scope of validity of PSNR in image/video quality assessment
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
Electronics letters 44 (13), 800-801, 2008
The accuracy of PSNR in predicting video quality for different video scenes and frame rates
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
Telecommunication Systems 49 (1), 35-48, 2012
Study of rating scales for subjective quality assessment of high-definition video
Q Huynh-Thu, MN Garcia, F Speranza, P Corriveau, A Raake
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 57 (1), 1-14, 2010
Temporal aspect of perceived quality in mobile video broadcasting
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting 54 (3), 641-651, 2008
Video quality assessment: From 2D to 3D—Challenges and future trends
Q Huynh-Thu, P Le Callet, M Barkowsky
2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, 4025-4028, 2010
The importance of visual attention in improving the 3D-TV viewing experience: Overview and new perspectives
Q Huynh-Thu, M Barkowsky, P Le Callet
IEEE Transactions on broadcasting 57 (2), 421-431, 2011
The influence of subjects and environment on audiovisual subjective tests: An international study
MH Pinson, L Janowski, R Pépion, Q Huynh-Thu, C Schmidmer, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 6 (6), 640-651, 2012
Skin-color extraction in images with complex background and varying illumination
Q Huynh-Thu, M Meguro, M Kaneko
Sixth IEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision, 2002.(WACV 2002 …, 2002
Physiological-based affect event detector for entertainment video applications
J Fleureau, P Guillotel, Q Huynh-Thu
IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 3 (3), 379-385, 2012
Effect of the accommodation-vergence conflict on vergence eye movements
C Vienne, L Sorin, L Blondé, Q Huynh-Thu, P Mamassian
Vision research 100, 124-133, 2014
Impact of jitter and jerkiness on perceived video quality
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
Proc. Workshop on Video Processing and Quality Metrics, 2006
No-reference temporal quality metric for video impaired by frame freezing artefacts
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2221-2224, 2009
Examination of 3D visual attention in stereoscopic video content
Q Huynh-Thu, L Schiatti
Human Vision and Electronic Imaging XVI 7865, 78650J, 2011
Subjective multimedia quality assessment
MD Brotherton, Q Huynh-Thu, DS Hands, K Brunnstrom
IEICE transactions on fundamentals of electronics, communications and …, 2006
Effects of Shape, Roughness and Gloss on the Perceived Reflectance of Colored Surfaces
V Honson, Q Huynh-Thu, M Arnison, D Monaghan, Z Isherwood, J Kim
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1664–1078, 2020
A comparison of subjective video quality assessment methods for low-bit rate and low-resolution video
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Signal and Image …, 2005
Multimedia quality assessment [DSP Forum]
F Porikli, A Bovik, C Plack, G AlRegib, J Farrell, P Le Callet, Q Huynh-Thu, ...
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 28 (6), 164-177, 2011
Modelling of spatio–temporal interaction for video quality assessment
Q Huynh-Thu, M Ghanbari
Signal Processing: Image Communication 25 (7), 535-546, 2010
Subjective and objective evaluation of an audiovisual subjective dataset for research and development
MH Pinson, C Schmidmer, L Janowski, R Pépion, Q Huynh-Thu, ...
2013 Fifth International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX …, 2013
Objective perceptual quality measurement of 3G video services
DS Hands, Q Huynh-Thu, AW Rix, AG Davis, RM Voelcker
3G Mobile Communication Technologies, 2004. 3G 2004. Fifth IEE International …, 2004
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