Pavel Troubil
Pavel Troubil
Research Fellow, Masaryk University
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Integer linear programming models for media streams planning
P Troubil, H Rudová
ICAOR 11, 509-522, 2011
Relational Graph Attention-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning: An Application to Flexible Job Shop Scheduling with Sequence-Dependent Setup Times
A Farahani, M Van Elzakker, L Genga, P Troubil, R Dijkman
International Conference on Learning and Intelligent Optimization, 347-362, 2023
Media streams planning with transcoding
P Troubil, H Rudová, P Holub
2013 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2013
Exploring trust in group-to-group video-conferencing
P Slovák, P Novák, P Troubil, P Holub, EC Hofer
CHI'11 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1459-1464, 2011
GColl: a flexible videoconferencing environment for group-to-group interaction
P Slovák, P Troubil, P Holub
IFIP Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 165-168, 2009
CoUnSiL: A video conferencing environment for interpretation of sign language in higher education
V Rusñák, P Troubil, D Daxnerová, P Kajaba, M Minárik, S Ondra, ...
2016 15th International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher …, 2016
Integer programming for media streams planning problem
P Troubil, H Rudová
OASIcs-OpenAccess Series in Informatics 16, 2011
GColl group-to-group videoconferencing system: design and first experiences
P Slovák, P Troubil, P Holub
2009 5th International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking …, 2009
Videoconferencing design for remote groups
P Slovák, E Hladká, P Troubil
2007 International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking …, 2007
GColl: Enhancing trust in flexible group-to-group videoconferencing
P Slovák, P Troubil, P Holub
CHI'10 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 3607-3612, 2010
Media streams planning with uncertain link capacities
P Troubil, H Rudová, P Holub
2014 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications …, 2014
CoUnSiL: Collaborative Universe for Remote Interpreting of Sign Language in Higher Education
V Rusňák, P Troubil, S Ondra, T Sklenák, D Daxnerová, E Hladká, ...
International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs, 392-399, 2016
Formalisms and Tools for Design and Specification of Network Protocols
J Babica, P Slovák, P Troubil, M Zavadil
FIMU-RS-2007-02, Masaryk Univerzity, 2007
Multicast Routing for High-Quality Multimedia Environments: Deployment and New Problems
P Troubil, H Rudová, P Holub
INTELLI 2015, 75, 2015
Exploring collaboration in group-to-group videoconferencing
P Slovák, P Novák, P Troubil, V Rusňák, P Holub, EC Hofer
From Research to Practice in the Design of Cooperative Systems: Results and …, 2012
Exploring collaboration in group-to-group videoconferencing
P Slovák, P Novák, P Troubil, V Rusňák, P Holub, EC Hofer
From Research to Practice in the Design of Cooperative Systems: Results and …, 2012
Eye-Control of Videoconferencing Environment Using Common Web-Cameras
P Troubil, P Holub
IADIS Press, 2010
Dynamic reconfiguration in multigroup multicast routing under uncertainty
P Troubil, H Rudová, P Holub
Journal of Heuristics 24 (3), 395-423, 2018
CoUnSiL: A Videoconferencing Environment for Interpretation of Sign Language
V Rusňák, P Troubil, E Hladká, D Daxnerová, P Kajaba, M Minárik, ...
Videokonferenční prostředí pro komunikaci vzdálených skupin a způsob komunikace vzdálených skupin v systému videokonferenčního prostředí
P Slovák, P Holub, P Troubil
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