Hanna Lee
Hanna Lee
Associate Professor, NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology
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Vulnerability of permafrost carbon to climate change: Implications for the global carbon cycle
EAG Schuur, J Bockheim, JG Canadell, E Euskirchen, CB Field, ...
BioScience 58 (8), 701-714, 2008
The effect of permafrost thaw on old carbon release and net carbon exchange from tundra
EAG Schuur, JG Vogel, KG Crummer, H Lee, JO Sickman, TE Osterkamp
Nature 459 (7246), 556-559, 2009
Early stage litter decomposition across biomes
I Djukic, S Kepfer-Rojas, IK Schmidt, KS Larsen, C Beier, B Berg, ...
Science of the total environment, 2018
Circumpolar assessment of permafrost C quality and its vulnerability over time using long‐term incubation data
C Schädel, EAG Schuur, R Bracho, BO Elberling, C Knoblauch, H Lee, ...
Global change biology 20 (2), 641-652, 2014
The rate of permafrost carbon release under aerobic and anaerobic conditions and its potential effects on climate
H Lee, EAG Schuur, KS Inglett, M Lavoie, JP Chanton
Global Change Biology 18 (2), 515-527, 2012
Improved simulation of the terrestrial hydrological cycle in permafrost regions by the Community Land Model
SC Swenson, DM Lawrence, H Lee
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 4 (3), 2012
Patchy field sampling biases understanding of climate change impacts across the Arctic
DB Metcalfe, TDG Hermans, J Ahlstrand, M Becker, M Berggren, RG Björk, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (9), 1443-1448, 2018
An accounting of C‐based trace gas release during abiotic plant litter degradation
H Lee, T Rahn, H Throop
Global Change Biology 18 (3), 1185-1195, 2012
Soil moisture and soil-litter mixing effects on surface litter decomposition: a controlled environment assessment
H Lee, J Fitzgerald, DB Hewins, RL McCulley, SR Archer, T Rahn, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 72, 123-132, 2014
Winters are changing: snow effects on Arctic and alpine tundra ecosystems
C Rixen, TT Høye, P Macek, R Aerts, JM Alatalo, JT Anderson, PA Arnold, ...
Arctic Science 8 (3), 572-608, 2022
Response of CO2 exchange in a tussock tundra ecosystem to permafrost thaw and thermokarst development
J Vogel, EAG Schuur, C Trucco, H Lee
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 114 (G4), 2009
The handbook for standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx)
AH Halbritter, HJ De Boeck, AE Eycott, S Reinsch, DA Robinson, S Vicca, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 (1), 22-37, 2020
Effects of excess ground ice on projections of permafrost in a warming climate
H Lee, SC Swenson, AG Slater, DM Lawrence
Environmental Research Letters 9 (12), 124006, 2014
Nitrogen cycling in CMIP6 land surface models: progress and limitations
T Davies-Barnard, J Meyerholt, S Zaehle, P Friedlingstein, V Brovkin, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (20), 5129-5148, 2020
Consequences of permafrost degradation for Arctic infrastructure–bridging the model gap between regional and engineering scales
T Schneider von Deimling, H Lee, T Ingeman-Nielsen, S Westermann, ...
The Cryosphere Discussions 2020, 1-31, 2020
Thaw processes in ice-rich permafrost landscapes represented with laterally coupled tiles in a land surface model
KS Aas, L Martin, J Nitzbon, M Langer, J Boike, H Lee, TK Berntsen, ...
The Cryosphere 13 (2), 591-609, 2019
Soil CO2 production in upland tundra where permafrost is thawing
H Lee, EAG Schuur, JG Vogel
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 115 (G1), 2010
Impact of idealized future stratospheric aerosol injection on the large‐scale ocean and land carbon cycles
JF Tjiputra, A Grini, H Lee
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121 (1), 2-27, 2016
Modeled microbial dynamics explain the apparent temperature sensitivity of wetland methane emissions
SE Chadburn, T Aalto, M Aurela, D Baldocchi, C Biasi, J Boike, EJ Burke, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 34 (11), e2020GB006678, 2020
A spatially explicit analysis to extrapolate carbon fluxes in upland tundra where permafrost is thawing
H Lee, EAG Schuur, JG Vogel, M Lavoie, D Bhadra, CL Staudhammer
Global Change Biology 17 (3), 1379-1393, 2011
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