Vikram K. Jaswal
Vikram K. Jaswal
Professor of Psychology, University of Virginia
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Adults don't always know best: Preschoolers use past reliability over age when learning new words
VK Jaswal, LA Neely
Psychological Science 17 (9), 757-758, 2006
Cognitive foundations of learning from testimony
PL Harris, MA Koenig, KH Corriveau, VK Jaswal
Annual Review of Psychology 69 (1), 251-273, 2018
Being versus appearing socially uninterested: Challenging assumptions about social motivation in autism
VK Jaswal, N Akhtar
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42, e82, 2019
Young children have a specific, highly robust bias to trust testimony
VK Jaswal, AC Croft, AR Setia, CA Cole
Psychological Science 21 (10), 1541-1547, 2010
Who knows best? Preschoolers sometimes prefer child informants over adult informants
M VanderBorght, VK Jaswal
Infant and Child Development: An International Journal of Research and …, 2009
Don't believe everything you hear: Preschoolers' sensitivity to speaker intent in category induction
VK Jaswal
Child development 75 (6), 1871-1885, 2004
Characterizing children’s expectations about expertise and incompetence: Halo or pitchfork effects?
MA Koenig, VK Jaswal
Child development 82 (5), 1634-1647, 2011
Turning believers into skeptics: 3-year-olds' sensitivity to cues to speaker credibility
VK Jaswal, LS Malone
Journal of Cognition and Development 8 (3), 263-283, 2007
Believing what you’re told: Young children’s trust in unexpected testimony about the physical world
VK Jaswal
Cognitive psychology 61 (3), 248-272, 2010
Looks aren't everything: 24-month-olds' willingness to accept unexpected labels
VK Jaswal, EM Markman
Journal of Cognition and Development 8 (1), 93-111, 2007
Learning proper and common names in inferential versus ostensive contexts
VK Jaswal, EM Markman
Child Development 72 (3), 768-786, 2001
Accuracy, confidence, and calibration: how young children and adults assess credibility.
ER Tenney, JE Small, RL Kondrad, VK Jaswal, BA Spellman
Developmental psychology 47 (4), 1065, 2011
Can't stop believing: Inhibitory control and resistance to misleading testimony
VK Jaswal, K Pérez‐Edgar, RL Kondrad, CM Palmquist, CA Cole, ...
Developmental science 17 (6), 965-976, 2014
Learning words: Children disregard some pragmatic information that conflicts with mutual exclusivity
VK Jaswal, MB Hansen
Developmental science 9 (2), 158-165, 2006
Preschoolers favor the creator's label when reasoning about an artifact's function
VK Jaswal
Cognition 99 (3), B83-B92, 2006
Learning the rules: Observation and imitation of a sorting strategy by 36-month-old children.
RA Williamson, VK Jaswal, AN Meltzoff
Developmental psychology 46 (1), 57, 2010
Why children are not always epistemically vigilant: Cognitive limits and social considerations
VK Jaswal, RL Kondrad
Child Development Perspectives 10 (4), 240-244, 2016
Deficit or difference? Interpreting diverse developmental paths: an introduction to the special section.
N Akhtar, VK Jaswal
Developmental Psychology 49 (1), 1, 2013
The relative strengths of indirect and direct word learning.
VK Jaswal, EM Markman
Developmental Psychology 39 (4), 745, 2003
Imagining a way out of the gravity bias: Preschoolers can visualize the solution to a spatial problem
AS Joh, VK Jaswal, R Keen
Child Development 82 (3), 744-750, 2011
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