Yoel Shkolnisky
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An algorithm for the principal component analysis of large data sets
N Halko, PG Martinsson, Y Shkolnisky, M Tygert
SIAM Journal on Scientific computing 33 (5), 2580-2594, 2011
A clustering approach to multireference alignment of single-particle projections in electron microscopy
COS Sorzano, JR Bilbao-Castro, Y Shkolnisky, M Alcorlo, R Melero, ...
Journal of structural biology 171 (2), 197-206, 2010
Graph Laplacian tomography from unknown random projections
RR Coifman, Y Shkolnisky, FJ Sigworth, A Singer
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 17 (10), 1891-1899, 2008
Three-dimensional structure determination from common lines in cryo-EM by eigenvectors and semidefinite programming
A Singer, Y Shkolnisky
SIAM journal on imaging sciences 4 (2), 543-572, 2011
A framework for discrete integral transformations I—The pseudopolar Fourier transform
A Averbuch, RR Coifman, DL Donoho, M Israeli, Y Shkolnisky
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (2), 764-784, 2008
Diffusion interpretation of nonlocal neighborhood filters for signal denoising
A Singer, Y Shkolnisky, B Nadler
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 2 (1), 118-139, 2009
Structural basis for SARM1 inhibition and activation under energetic stress
M Sporny, J Guez-Haddad, T Khazma, A Yaron, M Dessau, Y Shkolnisky, ...
Elife 9, e62021, 2020
Viewing angle classification of cryo-electron microscopy images using eigenvectors
A Singer, Z Zhao, Y Shkolnisky, R Hadani
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 4 (2), 723-759, 2011
3D Fourier based discrete Radon transform
A Averbuch, Y Shkolnisky
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 15 (1), 33-69, 2003
Viewing direction estimation in cryo-EM using synchronization
Y Shkolnisky, A Singer
SIAM journal on imaging sciences 5 (3), 1088-1110, 2012
A pattern matching approach to the automatic selection of particles from low-contrast electron micrographs
V Abrishami, A Zaldívar-Peraza, JM de la Rosa-Trevín, J Vargas, J Otón, ...
Bioinformatics 29 (19), 2460-2468, 2013
Detecting consistent common lines in cryo-EM by voting
A Singer, RR Coifman, FJ Sigworth, DW Chester, Y Shkolnisky
Journal of structural biology 169 (3), 312-322, 2010
Fast steerable principal component analysis
Z Zhao, Y Shkolnisky, A Singer
IEEE transactions on computational imaging 2 (1), 1-12, 2016
A framework for discrete integral transformations II—the 2D discrete Radon transform
A Averbuch, RR Coifman, DL Donoho, M Israeli, Y Shkolnisky, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (2), 785-803, 2008
The angular difference function and its application to image registration
Y Keller, Y Shkolnisky, A Averbuch
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 27 (6), 969-976, 2005
A signal processing approach to symmetry detection
Y Keller, Y Shkolnisky
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15 (8), 2198-2207, 2006
Prolate spheroidal wave functions on a disc—integration and approximation of two-dimensional bandlimited functions
Y Shkolnisky
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 22 (2), 235-256, 2007
CT reconstruction from parallel and fan-beam projections by a 2-D discrete radon transform
A Averbuch, I Sedelnikov, Y Shkolnisky
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21 (2), 733-741, 2011
The structure of a triple complex of plant photosystem I with ferredoxin and plastocyanin
I Caspy, A Borovikova-Sheinker, D Klaiman, Y Shkolnisky, N Nelson
Nature plants 6 (10), 1300-1305, 2020
Approximation of bandlimited functions
Y Shkolnisky, M Tygert, V Rokhlin
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 21 (3), 413-420, 2006
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