Large eddy simulation for compressible flows E Garnier, N Adams, P Sagaut
Springer Science & Business Media, 2009
828 2009 On the use of shock-capturing schemes for large-eddy simulation E Garnier, M Mossi, P Sagaut, P Comte, M Deville
Journal of computational Physics 153 (2), 273-311, 1999
403 1999 Numerical simulation of active separation control by a synthetic jet J Dandois, E Garnier, P Sagaut
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 574, 25-58, 2007
272 2007 Generation of synthetic turbulent inflow data for large eddy simulation of spatially evolving wall-bounded flows M Pamiès, PE Weiss, E Garnier, S Deck, P Sagaut
Physics of fluids 21 (4), 2009
237 2009 Large eddy simulation of shock/boundary-layer interaction E Garnier, P Sagaut, M Deville
AIAA journal 40 (10), 1935-1944, 2002
191 2002 Turbulent inflow conditions for large-eddy-simulation of compressible wall-bounded flows P Sagaut, E Garnier, E Tromeur, L Larcheveque, E Labourasse
AIAA journal 42 (3), 469-477, 2004
126 2004 Zonal detached eddy simulation of a spatially developing flat plate turbulent boundary layer S Deck, PÉ Weiss, M Pamiès, E Garnier
Computers & Fluids 48 (1), 1-15, 2011
108 2011 Large-eddy simulation of transonic buffet over a supercritical airfoil E Garnier, S Deck
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation VII: Proceedings of the Seventh …, 2010
108 2010 Unsteady simulation of synthetic jet in a crossflow J Dandois, E Garnier, P Sagaut
AIAA journal 44 (2), 225-238, 2006
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Journal of Computational Physics 170 (1), 184-204, 2001
87 2001 Stimulated detached eddy simulation of three-dimensional shock/boundary layer interaction E Garnier
Shock waves 19 (6), 479-486, 2009
80 2009 Response of a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer to active control strategies in the framework of opposition control M Pamiès, E Garnier, A Merlen, P Sagaut
Physics of fluids 19 (10), 2007
70 2007 Large-eddy simulation of aero-optical effects in a spatially developing turbulent boundary layer E Tromeur, E Garnier, P Sagaut
Journal of Turbulence, N1, 2006
69 2006 Large eddy simulations of aero-optical effects in aturbulent boundary layer E Tromeur, E Garnier, P Sagaut, C Basdevant
Journal of Turbulence 4 (1), 005, 2003
66 2003 Flow Control by Pulsed Jet in a Curved -Duct: A Spectral Analysis E Garnier
AIAA Journal 53 (10), 2813-2827, 2015
65 2015 Large eddy simulation of shock/homogeneous turbulence interaction E Garnier, P Sagaut, M Deville
Computers & fluids 31 (2), 245-268, 2002
63 2002 Transition scenario in hypersonic axisymmetrical compression ramp flow M Lugrin, S Beneddine, C Leclercq, E Garnier, R Bur
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 907, A6, 2021
56 2021 Riblet flow model based on an extended FIK identity A Bannier, É Garnier, P Sagaut
Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 95, 351-376, 2015
51 2015 Characteristics of unsteady total pressure distortion for a complex aero-engine intake duct G Tanguy, DG MacManus, E Garnier, PG Martin
Aerospace Science and Technology 78, 297-311, 2018
50 2018 Improvement of delayed-detached eddy simulation applied to separated flow over missile fin J Riou, E Garnier, S Deck, C Basdevant
AIAA journal 47 (2), 345-360, 2009
48 2009