Artikel mit Open-Access-Mandaten - Thom Scott-PhillipsWeitere Informationen
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Group-level traits can be studied with standard evolutionary theory.
TC Scott-Phillips, TE Dickins
Behavioral & Brain Sciences 37 (3), 2014
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
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How Darwinian is cultural evolution?
N Claidière, TC Scott-Phillips, D Sperber
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 369 …, 2014
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
The niche construction perspective: a critical appraisal
TC Scott-Phillips, KN Laland, DM Shuker, TE Dickins, SA West
Evolution 68 (5), 1231-1243, 2014
Mandate: UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, UK Economic and …
Combinatorial quorum sensing allows bacteria to resolve their social and physical environment
DM Cornforth, R Popat, L McNally, J Gurney, TC Scott-Phillips, A Ivens, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (11), 4280-4284, 2014
Mandate: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, UK Economic and …
Four misunderstandings about cultural attraction
T Scott‐Phillips, S Blancke, C Heintz
Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews 27 (4), 162-173, 2018
Mandate: Research Foundation (Flanders), European Commission
Nonhuman primate communication, pragmatics, and the origins of language
TC Scott-Phillips
Current Anthropology 56 (1), 56-80, 2015
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Confidence as an expression of commitment: Why misplaced expressions of confidence backfire
C Vullioud, F Clément, T Scott-Phillips, H Mercier
Evolution and Human Behavior 38 (1), 9-17, 2017
Mandate: Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der Wissenschaftlichen Forschung
Meaning in animal and human communication
TC Scott-Phillips
Animal Cognition 18 (3), 801-805, 2015
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Pragmatics and the aims of language evolution
TC Scott-Phillips
Psychonomic Bulletin & Review 24 (1), 186-189, 2017
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Expression unleashed: The evolutionary & cognitive foundations of human communication.
C Heintz, T Scott-Phillips
Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1-46, 2022
Mandate: European Commission
The ease and extent of recursive mindreading, across implicit and explicit tasks
C O’Grady, C Kliesch, K Smith, TC Scott-Phillips
Evolution and Human Behavior 36 (4), 313-322, 2015
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Why is combinatorial communication rare in the natural world, and why is language an exception to this trend?
TC Scott-Phillips, RA Blythe
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 10 (88), 20130520, 2013
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Research & Innovation
Perspective-taking is spontaneous but not automatic
C O’Grady, T Scott-Phillips, S Lavelle, K Smith
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 73 (10), 1605-1628, 2020
Mandate: European Commission
Animal communication in linguistic and cognitive perspective
T Scott-Phillips, C Heintz
Annual Review of Linguistics 9 (1), 93-111, 2023
Mandate: European Commission
Commitment and Communication: are we committed to what we mean, or what we say?
F Bonalumi, T Scott-Phillips, J Tacha, C Heintz
OSF Preprints, 2019
Mandate: European Commission
Meaning in great ape communication: summarising the debate
TC Scott-Phillips
Animal Cognition 19 (1), 233-238, 2016
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Three-year-olds hide their communicative intentions in appropriate contexts.
G Grosse, TC Scott-Phillips, M Tomasello
Developmental Psychology 49 (11), 2095, 2013
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council
Culture without copying or selection
A Acerbi, M Charbonneau, H Miton, T Scott-Phillips
Evolutionary Human Sciences 3, e50, 2021
Mandate: European Commission
Combinatorial communication in bacteria: Implications for the origins of linguistic generativity
TC Scott-Phillips, J Gurney, A Ivens, SP Diggle, R Popat
PLoS One 9 (4), e95929, 2014
Mandate: UK Economic and Social Research Council, UK Natural Environment Research …
Beyond social learning
M Singh, A Acerbi, CA Caldwell, É Danchin, G Isabel, L Molleman, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1828), 20200050, 2021
Mandate: European Commission, Agence Nationale de la Recherche
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