Bert Veenendaal
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Review of web mapping: Eras, trends and directions
B Veenendaal, MA Brovelli, S Li
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 6 (10), 317, 2017
Disease surveillance using a hidden Markov model
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, B Veenendaal, G Wright, AJ Plant
BMC medical informatics and decision making 9, 1-12, 2009
Applying cusum-based methods for the detection of outbreaks of Ross River virus disease in Western Australia
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, B Veenendaal, G Wright, AJ Plant
BMC medical informatics and decision making 8, 1-11, 2008
Use of soil moisture variability in artificial neural network retrieval of soil moisture
SS Chai, JP Walker, O Makarynskyy, M Kuhn, B Veenendaal, G West
Remote Sensing 2 (1), 166-190, 2009
Advances in web-based GIS, mapping services and applications
S Li, S Dragicevic, B Veenendaal
CRC Press, 2011
Using GIS to develop a mobile communications network for disaster-damaged areas
Y Kawamura, AM Dewan, B Veenendaal, M Hayashi, T Shibuya, ...
International Journal of Digital Earth 7 (4), 279-293, 2014
Using GIS to create synthetic disease outbreaks
RE Watkins, S Eagleson, S Beckett, G Garner, B Veenendaal, G Wright, ...
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 7, 1-14, 2007
Backpropagation neural network for soil moisture retrieval using NAFE’05 data: a comparison of different training algorithms
SS Chai, B Veenendaal, G West, JP Walker
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2008
Small‐area estimates of general practice workforce shortage in rural and remote Western Australia
J Scott, A Larson, F Jefferies, B Veenendaal
Australian Journal of Rural Health 14 (5), 209-213, 2006
Measuring accessibility to tourist attractions
S Kahtani, J Xia, B Veenendaal
Geospatial Science Research Symposium. Melbourne. Retrieved from https://www …, 2011
Design of a web-based lbs framework addressing usability, cost, and implementation constraints
J Delfos, T Tan, B Veenendaal
World Wide Web 13, 391-418, 2010
Production information interoperability over the Internet: A standardised data acquisition tool developed for industrial enterprises
AF Cutting-Decelle, JL Barraud, B Veenendaal, RI Young
Computers in Industry 63 (8), 824-834, 2012
Advances, challenges and future directions in web-based GIS, mapping services and applications: an introduction
S Li, B Veenendaal, S Dragicevic
Advances in Web-based GIS, Mapping services and Applications, 3-12, 2011
Advances, challenges and future directions in web-based GIS mapping services
S Li, B Veenendaal, S Dragićević
Li, S, Dragićević, S and Veenendaal B (2011) Advances in Web-based GIS …, 2011
Flexible assessment in GIScience education
B Veenendaal
Expanding Horizons in Teaching and Learning. Proceedings of the 10th Annual …, 2001
Gut feelings, crime data and GIS
B Veenendaal, T Houweling
Conference on Crime Mapping: Adding Value to Crime Prevention and Control, 21-22, 2000
What is web mapping anyway?
B Veenendaal, MA Brovelli, L Songnian, I Ivánová
International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2017
Eras of web mapping developments: Past, present and future
B Veenendaal
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2016
Developing a map use model for web mapping and GIS
B Veenendaal
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2015
An agent-based framework for intelligent geocoding
MJ Hutchinson, B Veenendaal
Applied Geomatics 5, 33-44, 2013
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