Ravindra  Chhajlany
Ravindra Chhajlany
Faculty of Physics Adam Mickiewicz University
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Quantum exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Liouvillians: The effects of quantum jumps
F Minganti, A Miranowicz, RW Chhajlany, F Nori
Physical Review A 100 (6), 062131, 2019
Hybrid-Liouvillian formalism connecting exceptional points of non-Hermitian Hamiltonians and Liouvillians via postselection of quantum trajectories
F Minganti, A Miranowicz, RW Chhajlany, II Arkhipov, F Nori
Physical Review A 101 (6), 062112, 2020
Self-correcting quantum computers
H Bombin, RW Chhajlany, M Horodecki, MA Martin-Delgado
New Journal of Physics 15 (5), 055023, 2013
Simulating twistronics without a twist
T Salamon, A Celi, RW Chhajlany, I Frérot, M Lewenstein, L Tarruell, ...
Physical review letters 125 (3), 030504, 2020
Entanglement in the Majumdar-Ghosh model
RW Chhajlany, P Tomczak, A Wójcik, J Richter
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 032340, 2007
Extended Bose–Hubbard model with dipolar excitons
C Lagoin, U Bhattacharya, T Grass, RW Chhajlany, T Salamon, K Baldwin, ...
Nature 609 (7927), 485-489, 2022
Synthetic magnetic fluxes and topological order in one-dimensional spin systems
T Graß, C Muschik, A Celi, RW Chhajlany, M Lewenstein
Physical Review A 91 (6), 063612, 2015
Topological estimator of block entanglement for heisenberg antiferromagnets
RW Chhajlany, P Tomczak, A Wójcik
Physical review letters 99 (16), 167204, 2007
Analytical progress on symmetric geometric discord: Measurement-based upper bounds
A Miranowicz, P Horodecki, RW Chhajlany, J Tuziemski, J Sperling
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (4), 042123, 2012
Sensitivity of entanglement decay of quantum-dot spin qubits to the external magnetic field
P Mazurek, K Roszak, RW Chhajlany, P Horodecki
Physical Review A 89 (6), 062318, 2014
Hidden string order in a hole superconductor with extended correlated hopping
RW Chhajlany, PR Grzybowski, J Stasińska, M Lewenstein, O Dutta
Physical Review Letters 116 (22), 225303, 2016
Criticality in the Bose-Hubbard model with three-body repulsion
T Sowiński, RW Chhajlany, O Dutta, L Tagliacozzo, M Lewenstein
Physical Review A 92 (4), 043615, 2015
Terahertz field control of in-plane orbital order in La0.5Sr1.5MnO4
TA Miller, RW Chhajlany, L Tagliacozzo, B Green, S Kovalev, ...
Nature Communications 6 (1), 8175, 2015
Proximity effects in cold atom artificial graphene
T Graß, RW Chhajlany, L Tarruell, V Pellegrini, M Lewenstein
2D Materials 4 (1), 015039, 2016
Spiral spin textures of a bosonic Mott insulator with SU (3) spin-orbit coupling
T Graß, RW Chhajlany, CA Muschik, M Lewenstein
Physical Review B 90 (19), 195127, 2014
Stabilized parametric Cooper-pair pumping in a linear array of coupled Josephson junctions
M Cholascinski, RW Chhajlany
Physical review letters 98 (12), 127001, 2007
Mean-field approaches to the Bose–Hubbard model with three-body local interaction
T Sowiński, RW Chhajlany
Physica Scripta 2014 (T160), 014038, 2014
Generation of inequivalent generalized Bell bases
A Wójcik, A Grudka, RW Chhajlany
arXiv preprint quant-ph/0305034, 2003
Multiparameter estimation perspective on non-Hermitian singularity-enhanced sensing
J Naikoo, RW Chhajlany, J Kołodyński
Physical Review Letters 131 (22), 220801, 2023
Quantum anomalous Hall phase in synthetic bilayers via twistronics without a twist
T Salamon, RW Chhajlany, A Dauphin, M Lewenstein, D Rakshit
Physical Review B 102 (23), 235126, 2020
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