Shuo Li
Shuo Li
Indiana Department of Transportation
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Network pavement evaluation with falling-weight deflectometer and ground-penetrating radar
AS Noureldin, K Zhu, S Li, D Harris
Transportation research record 1860 (1), 90-99, 2003
A platoon-based traffic signal timing algorithm for major–minor intersection types
Y Jiang, S Li, DE Shamo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 40 (7), 543-562, 2006
Reconsideration of sample size requirements for field traffic data collection with global positioning system devices
S Li, K Zhu, BHW Van Gelder, J Nagle, C Tuttle
Transportation research record 1804 (1), 17-22, 2002
Measuring and analyzing vehicle position and speed data at work zones using global positioning systems
Y Jiang, S Li
ITE journal 72 (3), 48-53, 2002
Cost effectiveness of new roadway lighting systems
Y Jiang, S Li, B Guan, G Zhao
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 2 (3 …, 2015
Identifying friction variations with the standard smooth tire for network pavement inventory friction testing
S Li, K Zhu, S Noureldin, D Harris
Transportation research record 1905 (1), 157-165, 2005
Gray system model for estimating the pavement international roughness index
Y Jiang, S Li
Journal of performance of constructed facilities 19 (1), 62-68, 2005
Implementation Initiatives of the Mechanistic–Empirical Pavement Design Guides in Indiana
T Nantung, G Chehab, S Newbolds, K Galal, S Li, DH Kim
Transportation Research Record 1919 (1), 142-151, 2005
Friction Surface Treatment Selection: Aggregate Properties, Surface Characteristics, Alternative Treatments, and Safety Effects
YJ Shuo Li, R. Xiong, D. Yu, G. Zhao, P. Cong
Joint Transportation Research Program, 2017
Upgrading the INDOT pavement friction testing program
S Li, S Noureldin, K Zhu
Joint transportation research program, 215, 2004
Evaluation of pavement surface friction treatments.
S Li, S Noureldin, Y Jiang, Y Sun
Purdue University. Joint Transportation Research Program, 2011
Evaluation of friction performance of coarse aggregates and hot-mix asphalt pavements
S Li, K Zhu, S Noureldin
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 35 (6), 571-577, 2007
Laboratory evaluation of critical properties and attributes of calcined bauxite and steel slag aggregates for pavement friction surfacing
D Yu, R Xiong, S Li, P Cong, A Shah, Y Jiang
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 31 (8), 04019155, 2019
Field evaluation of selected light sources for roadway lighting
Y Jiang, S Li, B Guan, G Zhao, D Boruff, L Garg, P Patel
Journal of traffic and transportation engineering (English edition) 5 (5 …, 2018
Surface texture and friction characteristics of diamond-ground concrete and asphalt pavements
W S., Li, D., Harris, T.
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2016
Analysis and determination of axle load spectra and traffic input for the mechanistic-empirical pavement design guide
Y Jiang, S Li, TE Nantung, H Chen
Joint Transportation Research Program, 2008
Non-destructive estimation of pavement thickness, structural number and subgrade resilience along indot highways
S Noureldin, K Zhu, D Harris, S Li
Joint Transportation Research Program, 158, 2005
Effectiveness of asphalt rejuvenator
J Lee, S Li, Y Kim, J Lee
Journal of Testing and Evaluation 41 (3), 433-440, 2013
Closed-form back-calculation of rigid-pavement parameters
L Shuo, TF Fwa, KH Tan
Journal of transportation engineering 122 (1), 5-11, 1996
Field evaluation of surface friction performance of chip seals in Indiana
S Li, T Shields, S Noureldin, Y Jiang
Transportation research record 2295 (1), 11-18, 2012
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