Stefan Bischof
Stefan Bischof
Siemens AG Österreich
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Mapping between RDF and XML with XSPARQL
S Bischof, T Krennwallner, N Lopes, A Polleres, 2011
Semantic modelling of smart city data
S Bischof, A Karapantelakis, CS Nechifor, AP Sheth, A Mileo, P Barnaghi
Schema-agnostic query rewriting in SPARQL 1.1
S Bischof, M Krötzsch, A Polleres, S Rudolph
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2014: 13th International Semantic Web Conference, Riva …, 2014
Collecting, integrating, enriching and republishing open city data as linked data
S Bischof, C Martin, A Polleres, P Schneider
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2015: 14th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2015
Enriching integrated statistical open city data by combining equational knowledge and missing value imputation
S Bischof, A Harth, B Kämpgen, A Polleres, P Schneider
Journal of Web Semantics 48, 22-47, 2018
Rail topology ontology: A rail infrastructure base ontology
S Bischof, G Schenner
International Semantic Web Conference, 597-612, 2021
Iotcrawler: Challenges and solutions for searching the internet of things
T Iggena, E Bin Ilyas, M Fischer, R Tönjes, T Elsaleh, R Rezvani, ...
Sensors 21 (5), 1559, 2021
A public transportation journey planner enabled by IoT data analytics
D Puiu, S Bischof, B Serbanescu, S Nechifor, J Parreira, H Schreiner
2017 20th Conference on Innovations in Clouds, Internet and Networks (ICIN …, 2017
On the Semantics of Heterogeneous Querying of Relational, XML and RDF Data with XSPARQL
N Lopes, S Bischof, S Decker, A Polleres
EPIA, 2011
RDFS with attribute equations via SPARQL rewriting
S Bischof, A Polleres
The Semantic Web: Semantics and Big Data: 10th International Conference …, 2013
Querying the Web of Data with XSPARQL 1.1
D Dell’Aglio, A Polleres, N Lopes, S Bischof
ISWC 2014 Developers Workshop, 113-118, 2014
Integrating Distributed Configurations With RDFS and SPARQL.
G Schenner, S Bischof, A Polleres, S Steyskal
Configuration Workshop 1220, 9-15, 2014
Improve Efficiency of Mapping Data between XML and RDF with XSPARQL
S Bischof, N Lopes, A Polleres
International Conference on Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, 232-237, 2011
City data pipeline
S Bischof, A Polleres, S Sperl
Proc. of the I-SEMANTICS, 45-49, 2013
Extracting Geo-Semantics About Cities From OpenStreetMap.
M Posada-Sánchez, S Bischof, A Polleres
SEMANTiCS (Posters, Demos, SuCCESS), 2016
RDF and XML: Towards a unified query layer
N Lopes, A Polleres, A Passant, S Decker, S Bischof, D Berrueta, ...
Proc. W3C workshop on RDF next steps, No pagination., 2010
Challenges of Constructing a Railway Knowledge Graph
S Bischof, G Schenner
Integrating Semantic Web Technologies and ASP for Product Configuration
S Bischof, G Schenner, S Steyskal, R Taupe
Configuration Workshop 2018, 53-60, 2018
Towards a Railway Topology Ontology to Integrate and Query Rail Data Silos
S Bischof, G Schenner
Proceedings of the ISWC 2020 Demos and Industry Tracks: From Novel Ideas to …, 2020
A., Mileo, A., Barnaghi, P.: Real time IoT stream processing and large-scale data analytics for smart city applications
S Bischof, AN Karapantelakis, S C-S
Real Time IoT Stream Processing and Large-scale Data Analytics for Smart …, 2014
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