Thomas Heckelei
Thomas Heckelei
Professor for Economic and Agricultural Policy
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Integrated assessment of agricultural systems–A component-based framework for the European Union (SEAMLESS)
MK Van Ittersum, F Ewert, T Heckelei, J Wery, JA Olsson, E Andersen, ...
Agricultural systems 96 (1-3), 150-165, 2008
Estimation of constrained optimisation models for agricultural supply analysis based on generalised maximum entropy
T Heckelei, H Wolff
European review of agricultural economics 30 (1), 27-50, 2003
Machine learning in agricultural and applied economics
H Storm, K Baylis, T Heckelei
European Review of Agricultural Economics 47 (3), 849-892, 2020
Scale changes and model linking methods for integrated assessment of agri-environmental systems
F Ewert, MK van Ittersum, T Heckelei, O Therond, I Bezlepkina, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 142 (1-2), 6-17, 2011
Adoption and diffusion of digital farming technologies-integrating farm-level evidence and system interaction
L Shang, T Heckelei, MK Gerullis, J Börner, S Rasch
Agricultural systems 190, 103074, 2021
Calibration and estimation of programming models for agricultural supply analysis
T Heckelei
FSSIM, a bio-economic farm model for simulating the response of EU farming systems to agricultural and environmental policies
K Louhichi, A Kanellopoulos, S Janssen, G Flichman, M Blanco, ...
Agricultural Systems 103 (8), 585-597, 2010
Models based on positive mathematical programming: state of the art and further extensions
T Heckelei, W Britz
Modelling Agricultural Policies: State of the Art and New Challenges, Parma …, 2005
Positive mathematical programming approaches–recent developments in literature and applied modelling
T Heckelei, W Britz, Y Zhang
Bio-based and Applied Economics Journal 1 (1), 109-124, 2012
Structural change of European dairy farms–A cross‐regional analysis
A Zimmermann, T Heckelei
Journal of Agricultural Economics 63 (3), 576-603, 2012
Positive mathematical programming with multiple data points: a cross-sectional estimation procedure
T Heckelei, W Britz
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales 57, 27-50, 2000
Modelling farm structural change for integrated ex-ante assessment: review of methods and determinants
A Zimmermann, T Heckelei, IP Domínguez
Environmental science & policy 12 (5), 601-618, 2009
Testing for the presence of financial constraints in US agricultural cooperatives: an investment behaviour approach
FR Chaddad, ML Cook, T Heckelei
Journal of Agricultural Economics 56 (3), 385-397, 2005
A methodology for enhanced flexibility of integrated assessment in agriculture
F Ewert, MK van Ittersum, I Bezlepkina, O Therond, E Andersen, ...
Environmental science & policy 12 (5), 546-561, 2009
A generic bio-economic farm model for environmental and economic assessment of agricultural systems
S Janssen, K Louhichi, A Kanellopoulos, P Zander, G Flichman, ...
Environmental Management 46, 862-877, 2010
Assessing sustainable food and nutrition security of the EU food system—an integrated approach
M Zurek, A Hebinck, A Leip, J Vervoort, M Kuiper, M Garrone, P Havlík, ...
Sustainability 10 (11), 4271, 2018
Regulatory policies in meat trade: is there evidence for least trade-distorting sanitary regulations?
SW Schlueter, C Wieck, T Heckelei
American Journal of Agricultural Economics 91 (5), 1484-1490, 2009
Concept and explorative application of an EU-wide regional agricultural sector model (CAPRI-Project)
T Heckelei, W Britz
Agricultural Sector Modelling and Policy Information Systems. Hrsg.: T …, 2001
Assessing the forecasting performance of a generic bio‐economic farm model calibrated with two different PMP variants
A Kanellopoulos, P Berentsen, T Heckelei, M Van Ittersum, AO Lansink
Journal of Agricultural Economics 61 (2), 274-294, 2010
Modelling food security: Bridging the gap between the micro and the macro scale
B Müller, F Hoffmann, T Heckelei, C Müller, TW Hertel, JG Polhill, ...
Global Environmental Change 63, 102085, 2020
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